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How strong is your sex drive?


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It's not just the wanting it 3 times a day. It's the constantly thinking about it, fantasies, being so turned on it's almost uncomfortable if I can't have sex, and, well, I dunno. I'm not hijacking this thread - just answering the questions. I'm probably Freuds dream patient.

Well, I'd say better quality than quantity. But maybe it's just me.

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1-Do you believe men in general have higher sex drive than women?

No, but men have more sincerity and don't hide how much they like it. So they apparent to have higher

2-Do you know people in this condition (lack of sex at all)?

Yes, just a few cases.

3-How do you rate your own sex drive using the 0-10 scale?


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1-Do you believe men in general have higher sex drive than women?-- No, it's quite equal and depends on the individual I say. Women like it just as much as men.

2-Do you know people in this condition (lack of sex at all)?--- By choice or lack of them lol.

3-How do you rate your own sex drive using the 0-10 scale? Probably a 15. What's good about me is that I can stay celibate when I'm not in a relationship and feel absolutely fine, but when I'm in one and I'm attracted to the guy, I want it all the time, anywhere.

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1-Do you believe men in general have higher sex drive than women? Depends on the person, but most girls I've been in relationships with seemed to have a similar sex drive to me.

2-Do you know people in this condition (lack of sex at all)? No

3-How do you rate your own sex drive using the 0-10 scale? Depends, but on average about 8 or 9.

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1-Do you believe men in general have higher sex drive than women?

In my experience, yes.


2-Do you know people in this condition (lack of sex at all)?

I was like that for a couple of months. After my break up with my ex, I just couldn't. I felt guilty about the break up and felt that maybe I needed to punish myself by being celibate, I didn't even watch porn. Had a friend who wanted me, made out with me a few times, she even told me very graphically what she wanted me to do to her by whispering in my ears while we were out with friends yet I still didn't do anything about it. In hindsight, that was stupid of me not to go through that playboy phase sooner.


3-How do you rate your own sex drive using the 0-10 scale?

My sex drive is always high, 9-10, but the amount of times I've had sex as of recently doesn't align with how high it is. So that's why I watch porn.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I’ve heard there are a few people that don’t feel the need for it.

In this same forum, some woman said she doesn´t need it at all, and she would be happy to live the rest of her life without it. I know there are some people that live and die virgin. My grandma was widow at 40 and she swore nobody touched her after her husband passed away (and knowing she I did believe her) and she died at 87; so she was more than half of her life without it.

So my questions are:

1-Do you believe men in general have higher sex drive than women?

2-Do you know people in this condition (lack of sex at all)?

3-How do you rate your own sex drive using the 0-10 scale?

I’d rate myself with 8.



1. I don't think so.

2. Yeah, my friends who are single can live without sex, from what they tell me.

3. Anywhere between 8-10.My gf used to complain that she can barely keep up.lol

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No, I don't believe men have a higher sex drive. I think that, put simply, women have a more selective sex drive but it is by no means "less".

I've never known anyone in that predicament.

And "rating" one's sex drive is redundant. Life circumstances will undoubtedly influence your sex life. No one is one singular, stable number their entire lives.

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1-Do you believe men in general have higher sex drive than women?

2-Do you know people in this condition (lack of sex at all)?

3-How do you rate your own sex drive using the 0-10 scale?


1. There's a lot of factors that affect how much someone wants sex at any given moment. I think if people want sex, they really want it. Whether or not they act on it and have a lot of sex is several times more complicated, and extremely individually based.

2. Yes, I believe that that stems from personal decision and/or strength of will. I feel that there is likely a factor at play that takes higher priority than the sex drive. It's just an instinct, after all.

3. So high it would break the scale- I would want sex all the time, but only with the right type of person. I am more of a "relationship guy" than a "hook-up guy", and I find personality and confidence in another person is what turns me on. Hot looks alone just don't do it for me; I need that connection you get from being with someone you feel passionate about and who returns the feeling. I'm not just a horndog, I'm a romantic. I am absolutely certain that I will need to date somebody with an equal or higher sex drive than me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1-Do you believe men in general have higher sex drive than women?



2-Do you know people in this condition (lack of sex at all)?

Possibly, but I usually do not talk about sex with people I know.


3-How do you rate your own sex drive using the 0-10 scale?

Depends on who I am with. I dated one guy who I couldn't get enough of in bed. We just clicked in bed and he knew how to turn me on. I would say my sex drive was a 7 or 8 with him. We would have sex 2-3 times a day the days we saw each other. With my ex-boyfriend, we never clicked in bed and I blame it on his kinks, delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and small endowment. I would say I was a 2 with him. Sex with him was not fun.

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1. No, I don't think men have higher sex drives. However, they may be less discriminating.


2. I don't think I know anyone that chooses not to have sex at all (and I don't just mean dry spells).


3. Probably a 7, but it is very dependent on my partner, our attraction, how we work together, and the stage of the relationship. Ideally I'd have sex 1-3 times a week, but am open to more often.

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