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Do all Men Hate Marriage


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Me and my wife have been together for seven years. We have a 2 year old daughter. She is mostly happy with her life, but im starting to hate mine. Are all you guys stuck in a boring marriage?


No generally speaking men do better in marriage than women I think. Seven years is a long time, and I do think it is unrealistic to thing that things won't change, you are not the same person you were when you were first married so it is unrealistic to think that your marriage should be the same. What is it exactly that you hate about your marriage? What can you do as a single guy that you can't as a married guy? What do you want out of the marriage? I don't see anything wrong about asking these questions, relationships are dynamic they grow and change.

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While my probkem is everything i do and watch is for her. Every vacation is for her. She gets presents i get laid if im lucky. She doesnt want to go out unless its to shop or drag me to something i hate. Thats what i meant is... Do all marriages cater to women? Sure seems that way

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I'll admit, us women do like our pampering! lol But, that doesn't mean your wife can't cater to you sometimes, also. Tell her you want her to do some of the things you would like to do. And, that she's hogging up all the fun in the marriage! You should not have to be dragged along like some human puppet; you're a man and you're not made out of wood without wants and feelings of your own (even though you guys like to deny them and it would sure make things a lot easier for us women lol). Anyway, marriage should be an equal partnership and if your wife is neglecting your wants and needs, you need to kindly let her know what she can start doing for you. Compromise!

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Me and my wife have been together for seven years. We have a 2 year old daughter. She is mostly happy with her life, but im starting to hate mine. Are all you guys stuck in a boring marriage?


What's the problem? I could say I hate life too but I would be saying that because job prospects suck for everyone, CPI index climbs higher, and wages are stagnated. You are telling us that life sucks because...?


No generally speaking men do better in marriage than women I think.



You sir, are one smart thinker. Care to elaborate?

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i think u should know that there is a big difference between intimate relation vs living together!...intimate relation is about love, diversity, differences, falling for each other, growth and evolution and takes lots of courage and faith.. but living together is about similarity, security, fear and living our comfort zone and is boring and addictive...Which one u guys are living?

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You know exactly what im talking about. Any advice for me? She always tells me... Example- go out saturday, but on saturday i gotta take her to walmart, cook, bath the kid ...etc. Certaintly dont mind helping, but she feels i must do it all because she needs a break from motherhood, but no breaks for this guy. Lol thanks for any input

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While my probkem is everything i do and watch is for her. Every vacation is for her. She gets presents i get laid if im lucky. She doesnt want to go out unless its to shop or drag me to something i hate. Thats what i meant is... Do all marriages cater to women? Sure seems that way


This is a very legit complaint. I think the first thing you need to do is open a line of communication with your wife. The key is to not get angry or blame her. Something like, "Hey could we talk? I have been feeling really down lately and I wanted to talk to you about it." Then, "I think it would help if you joined me doing (insert several activities you enjoy). Maybe we could swap planning events, you plan the first thing we do in the month, I'll plan the second. etc"


Now, if she just brushes you aside and makes no effort to chance then you need to be a bit more blunt with her.


And, no, not all marriage are like this. But all marriages do go through rough patches.

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Motherhood doesn't mean that you don't work any less than she does. You need at least one day to rest yourself. How about this new example: Make Saturday either leftover or take out night so you don't have to cook. You can take her to Walmart during the day, but she has to bathe the kid at night when u can get some downtime or go out with friends... something like that. Be creative. It's not fair that you aren't getting enough of a break yourself.

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My wife was working nights while i did days. She is back at home now. I know her days are tough but im up at 4:30 and when i get home shes off duty. I will try to talk to her but she doesnt listen. Every time i try to communicate im shut out. It always ends like" fine leave us then and have fun your life is so bad whatever" then silence. Not the best feeling to feel guilty when im trying to enjoy myself

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Agreed thanks for the advice. Not complaining about work but i work 6 days a week 10 hour days as a boss at a stressful job. Find myself sitting in the parking lot to relax before entering my homd more and more lol


I think both you and your wife are over-stressed. As a stay at home mom she is doing (depending on the study you use) 80-90 hours of work a week, you are doing 60 plus whatever your commute is.


I agree with getting a baby-sitter. Maybe take the time the baby-sister is there to go to a therapist with your wife to try and work out these issues.

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So are you going to take on the "second wife" which you talk about in your other thread (seeing as you say you like her more than your wife)? Just curious.


Also, if you are so unhappy in your marriage, have you considered marriage counselling to help you two get over this hurdle?

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Marriages just dont 'happen' they take work, effort, compromise. heartfelt discussions....life is what you make it, so is a marriage. If your unhappy talk to her and tell her. Or go to marriage counselling.


In my family everyone I know has been married pretty much 20+ years and they are all very happy, but they make it work in there own ways. My parents are very romantic, loving to eachother still but it works because they also know how to laugh, how to argue and how to forgive. My aunt and uncle are opposite, not romantic or seem like they love eachother very much but they are still close in there own way and her husband would do ANYTHING for her cos he adores her.


You just need a serious talk about how your feeeling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tried to talk to her about compromise, but to no avail. I tried the" can we have a talk" approach. She got mad as always saying why dont you leave us if your so bored...etc. I ended up apologizing to her after my silent treatment. I give up. New plan, im booking days off work and going out for fun without her knowing. Or get a hotel and relax.lol thanks everyone.

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Thought id let you all know my wife has finally comprimised and agreed to work with me on our marriage. I have 3 days a week to go to the gym and we have spiced up our sex life. I used advice posted to sit her down and talk. After a few fights and misunderstandings she finally got the message. Were doing pretty good now thanxs all

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