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life stresses effecting our relationship. Advice?


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Hey guys, I have a concern. If anyone could help me out or give some advice it would be much appreciated.


So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year now (11months). He and I are both in our 20's and both live with our parents. This has always made things challenging for us. We would have to "sneak" sex when we could. But lately we havent been having sex very much at all (this is sadly when I first noticed something has been off with my boyfriend). Hes comfortable with 2 or 3 weeks going by between sex lately. Hes always tired, has a headache or hurts physically in some way. Granted he has a lot of stress. Hes in a lot of debt and works a lot of hours at work. His schooling is even having to be postponed for a year to save money for bills. That and his family has been irritating him and he has had some health problems that his healthcare providers cant seem to answer for him. Work also frustrates him.


Just the past couple of months hes been like this. He is negative most days, has gained weight, has seemed to lost interest in affection with me or sex and he sleeps and plays games more often than he used to. He rarely studies. In fact he doesnt seem to care to. Hes down almost all the time these days and doesnt make as much of an effort to spend time with me either. He has admitted that he has been very stressed.


As his girlfriend I want to help. How can I help him?

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It sounds like depression. He needs help. He needs support from you. But you cannot help him get better. If he is a good man give him some time and encouragement and a shoulder. But don't take on his problems. He need to seek medical help. He needs to tell his doctor.

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Only thing you can do for him is to be there for him. If he is incredibly stressed to and can't get a grip on his emotional well-being I highly recommend he sees a doctor and talk about the possibility on getting anti-anxiety meds to help him focus and not be so overwhelmed.

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