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Wife interrogated me while on ambien


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So, i take ambien to sleep. Last night I took it and started hallucinating while looking at my phone. That's pretty much the last thing I remember. My wife clearly knew I was having an ambien blackout and took that opportunity to start asking me questions, purposely, that I never would have talked about if I had not been under the influence. Based on her retelling of the events the next day, I could see why I would have said some of the things that were said, but they were twisted and not entirely accurate. But she thinks it's a truth serum and USED it as such. I won't go inte details, but it was VERY embarrasing! I have absolutely NO MEMORY of this.


I am extremly upset, livid really, that she did this. I feel violated. I mean, I can't take a medication I need without being bushwhacked?? I threatened her never to do that again. She told me telling the truth is better than hiding it. ARGH.


It's not like she roofied me, I essentially roofied myself, but I needed to. What would you do in this situation?

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Maybe you should show her this message. I take Ambien for extreme chronic insomnia and have taken it for 5 years at least. I'm well known here for my funny Ambien stories and the stuff I talk about while on Ambien is nothing even close to the truth. I once went through the kitchen trash looking for my winning lottery scratcher because I knew in my crazy Ambien head that I had a winner and I even demanded my kids help me find it. There was no ticket, I was just spaced out. The things I talk about while on Ambien are completely bizarre and doesn't even come close to any kind of truth.


So basically your wife has issues and should probably read up on the side effects of the drug before she decideds to play bad cop/bad cop with all the interogations.

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