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Hey, i've been flirting with this girl in my class.


Well, she's very flirty with me, i'm not sure if she acts the way she acts towards me with other guys, cause there is no other guys in my class. Its a pretty strange situation, even the teacher is a woman, and pretty good lookin' too.


Anyways, she acts cute around me and even says "i'm so cute" (about herself)....


which i found kinda cute, but also funny- and strange- ...


Well, the other day i tried being more direct and a little bit more forward- and the response that i got wasn't what i expected. It appeared as if i turned her off a little.


She's giving me all the signs that people here have posted about. She smiles a lot when she looks at me. She stares at me for long periods of time. she always sits next to me. oh yeah, she admires my work.


Its almost as if she is enjoying the "chase" - she gives me enough to keep me interested and then pushes me back.


but whats more interesting is that when i push her back, it feels as if she becomes even more attracted to me.


I've more or less come to a conclusion that she wants to be 'wooed' or however you spell the word. She wants me to be more suave about it- more romantic. She's pretty much given me the thumbs up to try.....


but thats the problem... i don't know how.


and thats my question to girls here, Do you want to be romanced into a relationship? do you enjoy the chase? or are you so impatient that you just want the guy to come out and tell you he wants you?


and how?


i've heard this a couple of times "the chase is better than the catch". and for the most part i agree aswell.

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oh yeah, one last question. How would someone find out if they had a boyfriend without going straight out and asking " do you have a boyfriend?"


I don't want to get the dreaded reply of "why do you want to know?".....


I get sumped here too. Most of the hot girls in my school either have a bf u don't see them with (weird) or they're b****es.


With your situation, try to catch her on signs she wouldn't expect you to "translate" or she may give "sub-consious" signs (re: BODY LANUAGE). These signs will tell the truth if ur really having trouble.


P.S. Usually, the chase is better than the catch when u don't go out with her, but it could go either way. The chase brings a new brand of excitement.

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oh yeah, one last question. How would someone find out if they had a boyfriend without going straight out and asking " do you have a boyfriend?"


Why do you care if she has a boyfriend or not, if she doesn't tell you she does out of her own free will then there are only two options and they're both in your favor.


1. She doesn't

2. She does but he's obviously not that important to her and she looking around.


Why would you want to ask this question anyway, it's only going to give her another chance to turn you down. It gives her an instant out if she "ify" about you. She can answer that question with a yes right there and thats it your done with her.


I don't want to get the dreaded reply of "why do you want to know?".....


Ummmmm, this one always gets me fired up. Why are you so afraid that this girl knows you like her. Isn't that the point of wanting to date her? Because you like her? Why do so many people want to hide this fact? Im not saying to run around screaming at the top of your lungs that you like this girl but you can show her that you do, if other people make fun of you for it thats their issue, not yours. You've got to stand behind the descisions you make and not let other peoples opinions effect you.

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Ok, you've got your game on. It sounds like she's interested. I would be very bold and the next time she's flirting, say "So, does your boyfriend mind if you flirt with other guys?"


Or the next time she says "I'm so cute", say, "Yeah, I think so too. Does your boyfriend?"


The point is to make a joke that gets her to blurt out whether she's single or not.

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I agree with Scout. Find a way to put the word boyfriend in a funny and/or coc*y sentance and see what happens. I had a simular thing as you in a class I took. The girl seems to be interested and was asking me some personal questions and she total me some personal stuff as well, even when I didn' ask for it. She miss a day of class and I ask her why she miss class (in a funnyish manner) and she said that her boyfriend from some state (I forget which one) came down to vist her. After she said that she knew she messed up.


After that conversation she never sat next to me again and bearly said anything to me again. I would be carefully with this girl becuase it seems that she is self centered, but I am not there so I can't say for sure. But I will say its worth trying a boyfriend line and if she doesn't have a boyfriend then go for it.

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Yeah. i'll try a boyfriend line.


I've got a couple of them up my sleeve.


Yeah, i've never asked girls if they had a boyfriend or not- but they always refer them as 'their' friend when they do talk about them (atleast to me). I guess i should keep going even if i don't know, if she is involved with someone, i would get rejected anyways, so i might aswell go out with a little bit of glory- perhaps.. heh.




thanx everyone.

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The chase is so exciting for some reason. I have had alot of boyfriends

and the ones I wanted the most were the hardest to get. It is true for almost everyone. Men and Women.


Don't be too quick or you will lose her right away. Play a little hard to get

the results will be more rewarding I promise!!!!

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