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It took 6 years but I am finally over it!

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I am so happy I feel like throwing a party just to celebrate the fact that... I AM FINALLY OVER MY EX


I would have NEVER got to this place if I hadn't gone NC.


He has done this twice before, but I never went full NC for more than 2 weeks.


I have been strict NC for 6 weeks now, and I have never felt better.


I had days when I was dying to contact him, but by forcing myself not to and having faith that it would pass, the good days came a few days after the bad.


Now I feel ready to date and meet new men, seeing clearly all the horrible things he did.


I don't even care if I go out and he's there - he disappeared as a way of breaking up with me after 6 years in my life so I have every right to ignore him.


Anyway. Just want to share, so if you are feeling hopeless, heartbroken, just take a look at my previous posts. I honestly thought I was going to die - 3 years in a row you can see my threads of how much I'm hurting, at times I felt close to being suicidal. There were times I'd go out drinking, and sit on the pavement outside crying at 4am on my own in the middle of London.


Go NC, learn to love yourself and your own company and you will heal in time. I know I will have bad days to come but I feel mostly healed. My most useful book I ever read was "Don't call that man". And here is the most useful part of the book that I want to share with you all as it helped me so much:


"Let go when it's over. No good can come from clinging to a man. Some things are just not meant to be. Let the universe take its course. Often if you just leave things alone, life has a way of working itself out. Sometimes leaving things alone works out better than trying to force circumstances to be the way you want. Sometimes what we think we want may not really be the best for us. Sometimes when we look back on our lives, we realize that what we thought we wanted might have ended up being a nightmare and we're grateful that we didn't get what we yearned for. Sometimes if the man got away, you were better off. So be grateful, you might have been blessed".


And I have been blessed. No more negitivity, emotional abuse, disappearing; I had 6 years of this.


Now I am finally free - I hope you all can get there too

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6 long years.


We met when I was 19. Never became official until I was 23, so I don't count all the times he hurt me back then.


He became my boyfriend when I was 23. Then 24. Then 25.


Between 19 and 23 we would see eachother but he wouldn't commit and would "disappear" and come back. During two of those periods he got 2 other women pregnant. Still, I was stupid/loved him.


Then at 23 he finally became my boyfriend. I was so happy. Then he disappeared, came back again a few months later. Did the same thing again when I was 24. Then I truly believed he'd changed when we got together officially for the third time. He disappeared again on April 1st and I went NC from May 1st.


I never gave up for more than a few weeks at a time for the whole time. Apart from now. And I am honestly so over all that this man has put me through now. Took long enough.

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That is great news!


Funny, I was going to start a thread today ...

"I cleaned my house".


I've kept it up, but it killed me to do it. Last night, I just started and took pride.

I've read somewhere you can get a hint at your emotional stability improving when you start keeping a cleaner house

Today, I've felt better than I have in two full months when this went down for me.


6 years, you must feel like you've been paroled!



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i've heard that too. good time to do some purging too. de-clutter your existence. let go of the little things...and the bigger things begin to lose their grip. and there's a lightness about it all.


here's to embracing the endings...and opening wholly to new beginnings. no better food for the soul!!

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