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Is being an introvert an inherited trait?

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Lately, this has me wondering. I've realized that my personality has always been that of a somewhat quiet, introverted woman. Although once in a while I may go either go to parties and get drunk or hang out with friend, for the most part I'm an introvert and don't really socialize too much in family reunions (seriously, several times I can be sitting down on the table while everything is talking but me... but it's because I don't have a topic on my mind or simply can't continue extended conversations).


My mother has always had an issue with this and till this day sometimes tries to change me but I can't no matter how much I've tried over the years. As a child from grade school to middle school (well 8th grade wasn't too bad but I still got teased sometimes) I used to be emotionally and verbally bullied every single day. Now at the age of 25, I'm still the same woman with few friends and hardly anything has change in terms of socialization skills and not getting hit by men too much.


But I've had a bf, that I can't denied (lucky I'm a woman and some men wouldn't have a problem with that... otherwise a male counterpart would have probably been a virgin still). But I'm wondering from whom did I inherited this trait? I can't think of any of my family members being introverted nor quiet. Both of my parents are talkative and outgoing... so are my other relatives. Maybe I got this trait from my cousin Eddy. He is sort of like the male version of me and according to rumors he has only had 1 gf, whom he later on married but now they're divorced. Other than him, not even my younger 10 year-old brother is like me (he socializes with his classmates and sometimes goes out with them).

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I don't believe it is inherited, its just how you grow up. Im the same, im an introvert, i prefer to listen than talk but that is because i am more comfortable like that. Do you think being an introvert is a bad thing? Because it is not.

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I don't believe it is inherited, its just how you grow up. Im the same, im an introvert, i prefer to listen than talk but that is because i am more comfortable like that. Do you think being an introvert is a bad thing? Because it is not.
I don't think so but my mother does. During both my childhood and in my teens, there were times that she literally would cry (esp when I would show up alone when school ended) or have considered taking me to a psychologist. Even today, not so long ago she was annoying me with the ''Why don't you talk in reunions, you're scared aren't you''. I'm not scared and if I had that topic, I wouldn't hesitate and speak up. I just had nothing to talk about at the moment.


Though at times I wish I could improve on my social skill. If there was a way that is but there is nothing I can do about it....

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Some people just don't understand that some people are naturally quiet. Whenever I'm around family I don't talk much, I'm very quiet and people think its because I'm shy, but really its just because i enjoy listening to people and I'm comfortable being that way. You could talk to your mum and just tell her that you prefer to be quiet, not because you have anything 'wrong' but because not everyone has to be loud and outgoing. She may find it hard to understand, but you really need to have a talk with her to let her know that you are happy. Being quiet doesnt mean you are upset, depressed, angry etc.

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I do think it could be inherited... I'm adopted, so my birth parents had no control over my life growing up, yet my parents say that I am almost exactly like my birth mother in that we are very quiet and like to sit in the background in order to take everything in before adding our 2 cents to a conversation. My brother (from the same two birth parents) is similar as well. My mom, the woman who raised me, is very outgoing and extroverted however. She is the life of the party. My dad is not so much but I still wouldn't call him introverted.


I'm lucky that no one gave me a hard time for it. A lot of extroverts don't understand introverts and we often get brushed aside as being "shy" or socially inept

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Thats a good question. I can see it being inherited but I lean more on the behavioral side.

Growing up deff introverted.

High school and college I becamed extroverted.

Going back to school, introverted again

Now, I have my moments where I flip back and forth depending on the situation.

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I was extroverted until about 7th grade. Had self-esteem issues that permeated throughout high school and became introverted. Still am to a lesser extent. If I can time travel and see my old self, I would have kicked my young ass for being stupid. People tend to think something is wrong if I am being quiet, but a lot of those people fail to understand that everything is peachy and I would prefer not to speak.

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It is both inherited and a learned behavior. Personalities and who we are... They're never static. But this doesn't mean we'll do a complete 180. It is a part of us. But we can lessen its trait.


I agree. I was taught to be quiet like my mother. Then she got into the business world and she had to really push herself to no longer be quiet and timid and she became a very extroverted. I am pretty extroverted too.


My husband and his sister were very introverted. My husband learned more extroverted from me and his sister became a school teacher.

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I don't know if it's true or not, but I've read that most of one's personality is formed before they're even a year old. I don't doubt that it can change, but I think that a combination of biology and formative experiences will always be pulling on people, a la gravity. You're naturally/originally A, and you can become B, but you'll always feel A tugging at you.


I've always been introverted. The more exposure to the world I've had, the more introverted I've become. If I'm stuck at some sort of social event, I say maybe ten words in an hour and get away as soon as I can. It definitely runs in the family (on one side, anyway). It's a combination of me being intimidated by other people and simply not being interested in them.

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I agree. I was taught to be quiet like my mother. Then she got into the business world and she had to really push herself to no longer be quiet and timid and she became a very extroverted. I am pretty extroverted too.


My husband and his sister were very introverted. My husband learned more extroverted from me and his sister became a school teacher.

Yeah I can't be quiet on my major (Tourism, traveling & business management) which involves forming connections with others and basically knowing how to run a business. I'll definitely have to change at some point.
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