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Relationship Quality as a Factor in Reconciliation?


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Before anything else, let me say that I know there is probably no sure answer to this one. But it's not such a bad idea to start a discussion, right?


Do you guys think that the quality of your relationship while it still existed is a determining factor in your chances for reconciliation? If you had a great relationship before the break up, and you treated them well, do you think there is a higher chance for them to come back? And if you had a lousy relationship, and you treated them badly, does that hurt the chances of the ex considering to go back to you?


I had a break-up once (not my recent), where I was technically the dumpee, but I felt more like the dumper. It was his decision to break things off, but he only dumped me because I kissed another guy while I was drunk and lonely. The loneliness was caused by the boyfriend's miserable treatment of me-- he was overly demanding, overly critical, tells me not to wear certain clothes because I look fat and it's embarrassing to his friends, pressures me for sex and makes me cry when I refuse, walks out on me when we argue even when he's in the wrong, picks fights with me over petty things, etc. In short, he was an a**hole, the total opposite of an ideal boyfriend.


I begged and stuff, apologized, told him we could make it work, but he insisted that I just move on and find someone else. So I did.


I was going out with someone else two days after he dumped me, and that new guy was a decent human being, treated me nicely and made me feel good about myself. When the ex found out that I was happy with this new guy, he chased after me. He demanded, then begged, then threatened me (for real) to go back to him. He gave me flowers, gifts, letters; took me out, drove me home-- all of which he couldn't be bothered to give me when we were together.


I tried to give him a chance, but it was fruitless. My eyes had been opened and I finally saw him for the mean-spirited pathetic loser that he was. He went NC after around a month of begging, but broke it after three months to pick another fight with me-- such a smart guy, right?


I never took him back, and now, almost 2 years since that BU, I still don't want him back, and I don't think I ever will. I never missed him for one second, even though I actually tried to love him again because I felt sorry for him. I would read his texts and try to invoke feelings, but at the most I just felt pity. I never once thought fondly of him, and when I look back, I remember around 2 instances of happiness in our relationship and around 10,000 instances of frustration/loneliness.


I resent him, and just thinking of going out with him again makes me gag with revulsion. Sorry about that, but really... I remember all the pain he put me through during AND after the relationship, and I just can't imagine myself ever wanting to be his friend again, much less his girlfriend.


And I can't help wondering-- if he had been a better boyfriend to me, would I have gained back the feelings after he went NC on me? Would I have missed him? Is it purely his mistreatment of me that made me so averse to the idea of a second go at a relationship with him?

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I guess that if you had fun, were stable, there was no abuse or another person involved, there has got to be a good chance that your paths will cross again at some point in the future.


Unless there was something particularly traumatic in the breakup I think that time will was away the bad stuff and happy memories will be left (I hope).



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Yes - I would think that to be true. My bf and I split after 1.5 yrs together due to stress in his life. I didn't know it at the time, but as I went NC for 4 months, in my heart I believed he would find me again when he was ready. I didn't know how long that would be, but going thru the time apart, reviewing our relationship, I realized that he would never hurt me on purpose --- so the bu had to be about something else. And it was.


Our relationship was built on trust and respect, and a six yr. friendship. Our reconciliation occurred because of that foundation.

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