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gf of 2+ years broke up with me .... what do i do next???


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i unfortunately didnt check the web for advice and just discovered this site ... starting (NC)


she said she couldnt trust me and i treated her bad ... for reasons like ditching her/being late and hanging out with girls when we fought.... so i begged for her to come back and that i would change and make things work ... got her a flower, apology letter, texted so much(to little responses from her) and more... for about 4 days after official "were over" talk from her (said its been over for a while)


she told me to leave her alone and i shouldnt be trying to get back ... eventually saying that she still loves me but im not her bf now and to move on and when i beggd her in person she then saidif she needs to call cops to get rid of me...


so i sent her a last big message saying we can work it out, she didnt really know love if shes ending it, we both have our problems, and that i love her .... and she responded negatively to it ... saying i admitted to being bad in my apology letter and its my fault we broke up ... etc ... so i finally just told her ok fine and have a nice life .... she responded saying as i knew you would be done, and you promised you wouldnt ... etc... ok goodbye.


ive been on NC for only 3 days now, still miss her .... what should i do...


i keep thinking of txting her asking if shes doing well or if she can return a shirt or prescription bottle i left ... just to see how shes getting along

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So your only going to change because she dumped you? Maybe you shouldn't have treated her bad to begin with. You wrote she dumped you for reasons such as "ditching her". What does that mean?


ditching her means, for example, if she got upset over me being late to her home, i would react by not going or leaving and then ignoring her because i didnt want to be around an upset woman all night.

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ditching her means, for example, if she got upset over me being late to her home, i would react by not going or leaving and then ignoring her because i didnt want to be around an upset woman all night.


That's really awful! You have a lot to learn about how to treat people!


Not only did you disrespect her by being repeatedly late, but then did not take on the responsibility of your bad behavior.


I don't blame her, as you only seem to think about yourself!

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That's really awful! You have a lot to learn about how to treat people!


Not only did you disrespect her by being repeatedly late, but then did not take on the responsibility of your bad behavior.


I don't blame her, as you only seem to think about yourself!




so what can i do now, ive apologized before about that stuff and told her i apologize for being trying to change her mind and forcing to see her. and that i agree breakup wasthe good idea... and that please dont msg me back i need time to heal and grow.


was that the wrong move? i was in belief NC was best right now .. i dont want to sound like im all over the place


also she would repeatdly treat me bad, saying she hates my friends, made assumptions about them, saying the girls i knew were * * * * s and guys were manwhores. she also yelled at me numeroous times and was never able to accept my point of view when i calmly would tell her it.

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I think you should move forward.


It sounds like there were a lot of problems in your relationship. There was mutual disrespect and a huge issue with your friends. Any validity? As the claim of players in my former relationships has never been present.


You cannot force someone to be with you. As I mentioned earlier, you are being disrespectful by attempting to contact. Do you want her to get a restraining order.


Move on and learn

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I think you should move on too.


I wouldn't stay with a guy who treated me that way either. I also don't believe people can change so soon. Work on yourself and truly learn how to change. I mean, take months. Then you can revisit the idea of asking for her back.

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