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Just thought I'd create a moving on thread.

Yesterday I made the conscious decision that I would finally move on from the man who has been disappearing on me for 6 years. I don't think I ever did before as I always wanted him to come back the two times he has done the same previously. We were together for 7 months (our longest stint) before he disappeared 2 weeks ago without even having an argument, i was just being moody in a phone conversation but other than that things seemed to be going well and things seemed more serious. I did have occasional doubts but you know I never expected him to do this again.

Anyway, last night I went on my first night out since he left with a new friend. I actually had an amazing time, had drinks without contacting him or even feeling emotional, even met an extremely hot french man. Rewind to the last time he left me I wasn't able to go out drinking without crying for months. So am really pleased with myself, now onto day 2

Thanks for reading.

N xxx

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I had NC up until an hour ago when he texts me and asks why i didnt pay the netflix account. he asked how i was,i thought he was going to be civil. i told him how i was and returned the question...the reply i got was "bye leigh,im going".....


he really dont even care or like me anymore...so that decision is coming pretty quickly!!


You will have many more good nights too...you need to keep focusing on that


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Well done N! Yes,its still early days so be prepared for the bad days, they will come but they will also pass and lead to good days again. Like the last couple for you!


Try and delete and/or remove stuff that now reminds you of him....will help loads! Dont let hurt him you again....you are making great progress....

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Thanks for your msg SA, I really enjoyed reading your posts


Not so much of a good day today, work is so stressful, saw a FB update from him (haven't deleted him yet) and one of my best friends who I haven't told about the break up text me asking how me and him were doing, haven't replied yet. Ugh.

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