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What Should I Do? Do i continue to do what i do or talk to her?


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I made a thread a couple days ago about this, but now im adding a couple things. i really dont know what section to put this under so i put it under breaking up. so here you go. heres the story. PLEASe give me your opinion. Dont be afraid to be harsh either, I can take it lol...


Please read and help. Its not as long as it looks. 5 mins to answer and read tops. I will answer yours.


We never became official bf gf but we dated. We talked for a month. She seperated with me. I fought to get her back didnt work. But says she wants to be just friends. After a couple times of me talking to her and her randomly not responding i went 12 days of no contact with her. Last sunday was the 12h day and i decided to text her and see how shes doing. We talked pretty good, and then she randomly didnt respond back again. So after 2 hours of no response i told her "goodluck tomorrow at try outs, dueces". Then decided im never gonna text her again and deleted her number.


Last monday she told my bestfriends girlfriend that i texted her and that she "FELL ASLEEP" (i dont believe) at 7:30, thats why she didnt text me back. I believe she is lying. Later that day at the end of the day HER bestfriend was at her boyfriends locker and she said "hi (my name)" and i said hey and about 20 steps later to my left is the girl i like saying "hey". So idk whats up with that? lol. another side note is i have NEVER talked to her bestfriend before and i find it weird she said hi. Plus the girl hasnt said anything to me in 2 weeks in person. Also she said hi to me today and yesterday.


I havent talked to her since last sunday(besides saying hi back). still dont have her number anymore. so yeah whats up? am i doing the right thing


(the reason we seperated was, she said the 100% reason, was because her dads gay and trusted me not to tell anyone and she never told anyone about it before. then a week after she told me, when i was out of the room, she asked what i was doing and my friend replied having gay s3x and since then she ended us)


also here bday is tomorrow, should i tell her happy bday or is that breaking NC, if i hsould continue that??

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