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my ex just got a bf...wow

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So my ex updated her fb status to in a relationship... (i actually have her blocked, but a mutual friend told me)


Our break up was half a year ago and since that time, I've been trying my best to friendzone her. I know that we both have feelings for each other, but I don't want to commit and have a relationship with her due to trust issues I have with her that can't ever be resolved. We did hook up for a few days 2 months ago but I quickly friendzoned her again.


We were pretty much in strict friendzone until yesterday...when we saw each other. I made the fatal mistake of holding her hand, which quickly led to hugging/kissing.....


And then comes the status change tonight...


Why the hell would she get a bf when she clearly has feelings for me?



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Well, you're obviously leading her on. If you can't trust her again, don't go and kiss/hug/hold her hand - that's not what a high-quality, attractive guy would do.


A mature, understanding guy would've cut her out of his life a long time ago. Not simply because she "deserves" it, but because you know that you can't trust her, so you leave her and continue to move on/live your life.


She's most likely on a rollercoaster of emotions if you keep on bringing her in then pushing her away. She could easily be getting with another guy behind your back because she owes you absolutely nothing at this point. You two aren't together and she's most likely found someone else.


Don't dwell on it, it's not worth your time anymore. Start healing today.

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Well, you're obviously leading her on. If you can't trust her again, don't go and kiss/hug/hold her hand - that's not what a high-quality, attractive guy would do.


A mature, understanding guy would've cut her out of his life a long time ago. Not simply because she "deserves" it, but because you know that you can't trust her, so you leave her and continue to move on/live your life.


She's most likely on a rollercoaster of emotions if you keep on bringing her in then pushing her away. She could easily be getting with another guy behind your back because she owes you absolutely nothing at this point. You two aren't together and she's most likely found someone else.


Don't dwell on it, it's not worth your time anymore. Start healing today.


I can't cut her out of my life because we have class together once a week...


I don't think I'm leading her on at all. I pretty much never initiate contact...

but yeah, what I did yesterday was stupid.


I'm just really really surprised tonight.

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I think she was the first one who left the gate and found happiness or even a relationship somewhere else, where you couldn't find a way to move past the hurt to either heal and reconcile or move on. Knowing this, she had enough and decided to take another path. Wish her the best now, you don't have to talk to her in class other than a hello and some light chit chat and heal for your own future. The last thing the next girl in your life needs is someone who is holding on to baggage.

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I think she was the first one who left the gate and found happiness or even a relationship somewhere else, where you couldn't find a way to move past the hurt to either heal and reconcile or move on. Knowing this, she had enough and decided to take another path. Wish her the best now, you don't have to talk to her in class other than a hello and some light chit chat and heal for your own future. The last thing the next girl in your life needs is someone who is holding on to baggage.


thanks for your feedback

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Maybe she's mad that you didn't take her back and trying to do this to test your response? If you were writing this post here, it means you do care. You either try to figure out if you still want her of just drop it here and forget about what she's doing from now on. It's not very heathly to keep trying to find out why and what about your ex. It hurts you more than anything else.

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What did you expect her to do, sit around waiting for you forever when you refuse to be with her? Come on man, she's doing her thing. Do yours.


Of course I do not expect her to wait about for me. That's probably the last thing she would do.


I guess I don't really have a question in this thread.


All I'm trying to say is that I find it a little disturbing how someone can kiss a guy, and then start a relationship with another the night after.


But to be brutally honest, I did get hit by a tsunami of sadness when I heard about it...

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Of course I do not expect her to wait about for me. That's probably the last thing she would do.


I guess I don't really have a question in this thread.


All I'm trying to say is that I find it a little disturbing how someone can kiss a guy, and then start a relationship with another the night after.


But to be brutally honest, I did get hit by a tsunami of sadness when I heard about it...


And here I thought it was odd to hug/kiss/hold hands with someone who we've rejected and sill don't want to be with.

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And here I thought it was odd to hug/kiss/hold hands with someone who we've rejected and sill don't want to be with.


That's because I'm still attracted to her...and the tension was overwhelming.


I agree that it was stupid on my part. Fair enough.

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