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Birth Control advice - what works best for you?


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Im a 25 year old, healthy female and Im a having quite difficulty finding a suitable birth control.


I have recently tried using three different types of the pill: Levlen, Yasmin and Yaz. I found that Levlen and Yasmin made me feel very bloted and uncomfortable. I had heard good things about Yaz so I have been taking that for the last 3 months.


In the last two months I have become extremley depressed. I feel sad and tired constantly and feel that there is nothing 'happy' in my life anymore. I have a great job, gorgeous house, lovely friends and boyfriend and there is no reason for me to be feeling so angry and upset. I couldnt figure out why i was feeling like this until i researched Yaz last night and found depression to be a major side effect. I read many stories of girls feeling the same way as i did because of Yaz so i have decided to stop using it, hopefully i will start to feel better soon.


I dont want to take the pill anymore. I dont think it agrees with me. I was thinking of trying the Nuvaring but have also read that it may cause depression.


Can anyone recommend any good alternative types of BC or give me advice on what has/hasnt worked for you?



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I reacted terribly with all types of hormonal birth control and eventually just ended up using condoms. We have been using condoms for the last four years [four years with the pill prior] and I am SO SO glad to be without hormonal birth control and have had no issues with pregnancy scares with condoms.

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Well hormonal birth control is different for everyone, but I've been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo since August and have had absolutely no problems at all.No crazy mood swings, no bloating (I've actually lost 7 lbs since the summer) and my face hasn't gotten worse or better acne-wise... The only annoying thing was the 2 week period the month I started taking it, but now I know when to expect it almost to the hour, which is a super nice change for me. It also only lasts 5 days instead of the 6-8 it used to take

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Well hormonal birth control is different for everyone, but I've been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo since August and have had absolutely no problems at all.No crazy mood swings, no bloating (I've actually lost 7 lbs since the summer) and my face hasn't gotten worse or better acne-wise... The only annoying thing was the 2 week period the month I started taking it, but now I know when to expect it almost to the hour, which is a super nice change for me. It also only lasts 5 days instead of the 6-8 it used to take



I am on ortho tri-cyclen lo as well and haven't had any problems! I have been taking it for just over 3 months. My periods are much shorter and lighter and i dont get any cramps.. before the pill they were pretty bad. and no weight gain or mood changes, its been working well for me. Just make sure it take it same time each day as its a lower dosage.. but if you take same time each day all these regular higher hormonal pills arent necessary to have thaattt much hormones if taken properly and are healthier.

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I've been using Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for the past 2 years on and off. It's given me no problem, I didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose/increase any boob size, my acne was cleared off, had no cramps. However, my ex-boyfriend said I was much harder to deal with (he begged me to get off the pills, although I didn't see any change in my behavior), I was also more emotional in everything and easily irritated. Although no really horrible side effect I encountered, it decreased my sex drive a bit though and I didn't get as much wet as I usually did during intercourse when I wasn't on birth control. I've just gotten started on it again lately on the pill, and I've been bloated and have gained 3 lbs within the first 2 weeks although I exercise regularly and didn't change my eating habit. I'm sure this is just water weight and will shed in no time.


I've also heard that if you're over 150lbs, you should try Ortho Tri-Cyclen instead of the lower-dose version, so you should ask your doctor.

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I reacted terribly with all types of hormonal birth control and eventually just ended up using condoms. We have been using condoms for the last four years [four years with the pill prior] and I am SO SO glad to be without hormonal birth control and have had no issues with pregnancy scares with condoms.


Same, but only since after my m/c so it hasn't been long, but I've always been on-and-off with all types of birth control and always, always, felt better OFF. So I'm staying off.

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OP - it could take a variety of pills to find out what works for you. I've never had any of hte side effects from the pill except high dosages make me sick as a dog if I didn't eat with them. Eventually it got to the point no matter when I ate I couldn't stop throwing up then my doctor put me on Ortho Ti-Cyclen Lo and I can take it without eating and not even get a little sick.

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