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He has someone new: I regret everything I have done/ did not done


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Two months after the breakup I found out, that he has someone new.


I really hoped he would contact me, after he feels better, and there will be another chance for us.


Instead he fell in love with someone else. And I regret I did not ask him to come back, when he was still single. I regret so much!


My pride is intact, but that´s all I have now and it is so useless!

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I take it that he broke up with you? If so, you really have nothing to regret, because even if you had tried to change his mind while he was still single, it would have not changed his feelings for you or his decision to break up. You would have gotten quite the opposite effect actually.

He didn't forget you, people don't just forget those they used to love, at least not in 2 months! He just made his choice, and unfortunately his choice was to end the relationship with you and move on to someone else.

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The hardest part is the realization that the other person has moved on, all be it too soon in your eyes or not.....he is single, and doing what he thinks is best for him.

You don't have to like it, but certainly don't regret all that has happened - it is in the past now - look towards the future where you will meet someone and start over as well.


He couldn't possibly of "forgotten you" in just two months - it isn't realistic to think that - that's your own insecurities talking because someone new is in the picture.

He was with you for a period of time, that time will not be magically erased from his mind by someone new......and if it was that easy to do, then you are better off without him in your life anyway - someone that shallow and "robotic" would only end up hurting you in the long run, right?


Unfortunately, 2 months can be all it takes some people to get themselves "back out there"; while it may take others a year or so to feel completely ready to date again.


Be thankful for the time you spent with him, work on yourself, grieve your way on your time table. Don't worry about his new relationships or what he is doing - don't spend your mental energy on someone who chose to not have you in their life anymore.


Stay strong - don't dwell on his life - that's living in the past and focusing on the wrong person - you need to focus on the most important person now - YOU.

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First, if he already has someone else 2 months post breakup, there is a good chance he already had his eye on her before you broke up, and she in fact might be the REASON you broke because he met her and wanted to date her.


Also, if he 'forgets' you so quickly, it means he wasn't in love with you anymore and was anxious to start dating someone new. So merely 'asking' him to come back most likely would not have done anything at all. If someone can find someone new in 2 months and 'forget' you, then it was just not a relationship that would lasted regardless of what you did... he was just ready to go and wanted to go.


I know that sounds harsh, but you are not doing yourself any good assuming it was in your power to MAKE him love you... he is his own person and his feelings are his own... if the relationship had been that good, you wouldn't have broken up with him and nothing would take him away from you. So just recognize you can't control another person and they make their own choices. Work on healing and letting go so that you can be available for someone new who does want to be with you.

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