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  1. Okay so I have a couple of new stories I have recently come accross. One of my friends had broken it off with her 3 yr boyfriend, I don't know the reason, but from her complaints it was that he was too much of a mamas boy...Anyways she went on to dating some other guy and she seemed to really like him. I'm not sure who did the breaking up but I know she was going through a tough time at some point (doesn't like to divulge info...). Anyways she got back together with her 3 yr ex boyfriend and they are now having a baby They seem happy. My other friend got a case of the gigs...She dumped her 3 yr ex-boyfriend (high school sweetheart) because she felt she didnt love him anymore. After they broke up, she decided to sleep with him, but was chasing after another guy...This other guy didn't like her like that and she got hurt. After that she ends up meeting another guy and it seemed like she really liked him, but he lacked things her 3 yr ex boyfriend had...After a series of drama, she realized that she missed her 3 yr ex boyfriend and really does love him, so she went back to him. It took her about 6 months to get back to her ex boyfriend and now she seems to be on cloud 9.
  2. link removed Read post #9, he talks about how he got back together with his ex after dating other people.
  3. I found this link removed by a woman who was getting married, but her engagement breaks off. She doesn't say what happened, but they renewed their engagement and it went from one year to the next. Goes to show you how sometimes it takes months to get back together.
  4. one of the many people I know got back together with his gf today. They broke up sept 2011...so they were apart for months Im not sure as to what happened between them and how they got back together but they did. This isnt an ex boyfriend or someone of interest but someone ive known for yrs actually started to have a crush on me even when he didnt like me back when he first met me, this just goes to show how people and situations change. Then there is the story of one of my moms friends who was married with kids bit the husband cheated on her. So they separated for about 2 yrs before they got back together. As for my situation, I dont think the ex is coming back due to the fact that he now has a new gf....oh well.
  5. I have yet another reconciliation story... 1. one of my friends broke up with her boyfriend, she even said that she hated him. I never asked the reason for the break up but i think it had to do with someone else being in the picture....well after a month they both realized how much they missed each other and just got back together today! 2. I heard the story of this lady who married the love of her life and they were together for 6 years, but then they divorced (not sure why). They both ended up marrying other people and about 7 years later both divorced their significant other and went back to dating each other. They ended up getting married a second time and are still together. If it is truly meant to be it will be. The last couple never thought they would be together again, but they never stopped loving each other. You just have to live life and stop waiting.
  6. So ok I have a few stories, some are about getting back together and some are just crazy life lessons: *One of my cousins broke up with the one she loved, Im not sure what it was (Im guessing a huge fight), but two weeks later they got back together. *One of my friends broke up with her boyfriend (together for 2 years) because she felt like the spark wasn't there anymore, she was doubting the relationship and is not ready to commit to him (as in getting engaged)...basically she got the GiGs, but today i went on my facebook and noticed that she posted a recent picture of her ex-boyfriend. Although they havent reconciled, they are in talking terms and hanging out terms, which could possibly lead to a reconciliation, who knows. * My story: I dated a guy(my first true love) for 3 years of my life on and off (its in my past posts for those interested). I believed he was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life even though part of me doubted the relationship. Anyways he breaks it off and I was left a wreck. He wanted to stay friends, but i didnt stay friends. Well we kept bumping into each other through out the months and I rebounded with a friend while still believing he was the one. Well he didnt come back, but I ended up having a huge crush on someone else who later became my boyfriend (now ex boyfriend), but i ended up finding out through his blog that my 3 yr ex boyfriend still talks about me. my current ex-boyfriend is the one I want to be with because it feels absolutely right with no doubt in my mind, but there were too many issues and baggage on both sides. Having the feelings that I have for him I left him alone (did NC) until he contacted me a month after the break-up, where we spent a whole day having the best time of our lives...since then he has communicated with me in some way (doing LC). Again I have left him completely alone (well except for two times where i asked him a question) other than that he usually initiates contact. Even when i thought i would not hear from him ever again, he sent me something that he only shared with his best friends and i so happened to be included in the email...what does that mean? I don't know, will we reconcile? I don't know I hope! but almost all my ex's have thought about me, contacted me etc...and not to give false hope, but believe me when i say that ex's do think of you. *This girl at work broke it off with her boyfriend and she was so sad about it, she didnt explain why it had happened, but she wanted to cry that was about 2 months ago. 2 weeks ago, I find out they got back together.
  7. bump! I love this thread. It makes me feel better, its not really hope that I'm getting, but mostly a "anything can happen" type of feeling.
  8. I have a few stories... 1. My cousin was with her boyfriend for about 2 years when he suddenly broke it off with her saying he needed space. She was so miserable, but she still ended up being his friend (of course not talking to him all the time)....it took about 7-8 months for him to tell her the truth of the break up, and after a 2-3 months of thinking. My cousin took him back, and now they are together (I think 4 years now) and happier than ever. 2. My other cousin was with her boyfriend on and off. She dated him for about 11 months till he broke it off. they stayed friends, then he came back and broke it off again. They stayed friends, and finally he came back again, and this time ended up having a baby together, and are very happy parents. 3. Then there is me. I was with my boyfriend for about 8 months till he broke it off the first time. I was devastated and heart broken, and I did the NC, but he kept sending me messages, Ims, voicemails, texts etc...He kept trying to come back, but he didn't know what he wanted and I was just upset and emotional. FINALLY, he came back after 10 months, 3 of those months as friends. I can't say it was a happily ever after, since we were together 7 months and again he broke it off with me. But its not sad, since I have a really strong feeling he will be back (but if he doesnt it won't hurt). Just remember its good to get back together, but both of you have to forgive and forget the past hurts.
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