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The "getting back together support thread"!!


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You all had me laughing pretty hard there for a few minutes. I think it's okay to share the humor sometimes - we all need that. And even if it seems off topic for this thread, wasn't thread created to be supportive, encouraging, and make us feel better? If so, then I think the posts from this morning (or whatever time it was on the other side of the pond) succeeded and fulfilled the mission. As my son would say "jus sayin'"

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You all had me laughing pretty hard there for a few minutes. I think it's okay to share the humor sometimes - we all need that. And even if it seems off topic for this thread, wasn't thread created to be supportive, encouraging, and make us feel better? If so, then I think the posts from this morning (or whatever time it was on the other side of the pond) succeeded and fulfilled the mission. As my son would say "jus sayin'"


Yes cindy you're right, it's a place to meet and talk for all of us, to say how we feel, to get to know each other, to cheer each other up and support each other, it's "ours" for whatever we need it for


loulou x

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skippy thats very good ...I will send you a copy of the yorkshire post and a pair of wellies .


Don't forget the flat cap!! Fellow Hullite here, also living down south and constantly get pie/gravy jokes thrown in my direction. Small world/internet!


I don't want to get back together with my ex but this is possibly the most supportive/happy thread on this section of ENA, hope you don't mind me chilling here loulou!

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Cheers to this thread! For those of you who need it I'm a success story and basically what helped me the most was sex and eventually getting him to snuggle and talk to me in bed. A lot of anger was resolved since he loved sex and and it's very hard to start a fight when you're comfortable with someone in post orgasmic bliss.


But in truth there is a lot to be said about physical intimacy. A lot. When two people are willing to be physically intimate, to hug, to let shields down, and just be candid, a lot of barriers can be crossed. A lot of headway can be made.


Also what I found was that him and I had a lot in common. Like many of you, you woudl not give up on the love even if the other moved on. he felt the same way. NC works a little bit but to be honest, what worked best for me was open honest communication.

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morning everyone ...thankyou sanity and aqua for sharing your stories


the world is white here in the south this morning ...


please uk people .....feed the birds ....a bit of bread or rice ( they like basmati but I am not splitting hairs with you )




remember the universe only gives us what it knows we can cope with


"Star": Aren't "birds" over there what we call "girls" here? If that's all you feed them then I guess the fat lady will never sing, which I believe that's a good thing!! Although the flame at times may burn low the stories of reconciliation that are shared here continue to fuel my hopes and dreams. Happy Super Bowl Sunday from Indy!! Bless everyone for trying to stay positive. Sharing this thread made yesterday a very good day for me.

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morning everyone ...thankyou sanity and aqua for sharing your stories


the world is white here in the south this morning ...


please uk people .....feed the birds ....a bit of bread or rice ( they like basmati but I am not splitting hairs with you )




remember the universe only gives us what it knows we can cope with


Hi shooting star..hope your weekend was good i've not had much chance to get on..been so busy, which is good!


It's so nice to see everyone coming together here, whatever their story....


loulou x

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Hey all,


How are we feeling today?- Im having a bad day today- just when you think things are looking positive now Im not so sure.


Its one of those days when however much you try and divert your attention- your thinking keeps coming back to them


Its very white here in the Midlands Uk so Im a bit stuck inside- I tried to go out for a walk but nearly broke both my legs in the process so thought it would be best to turn back

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Hello everyone. Another day, another migraine.... I was woken up at 6am with this one, I have been sick a few times, and the pain is terrible. I have been in bed all day, and it's 5.20pm here now and I just got up. What a life eh???


My thinking and dreaming are also stuck on my ex the last couple of days. I know when I am not feeling well - I miss him more. He was always so supportive and sympathetic with me, when I was ill in the past when we were together. Being ill makes me feel more alone. I know if I called him - he would come straight over, but I won't. He needs his time and doesn't need to have to worry about me with everything else on his plate. A hug from 'me mam' would also be wonderful, but, unfortunately; she is thousands of miles away in the winter wonderland that is England at the moment. I am going there in a couple of weeks, so I can catch up on my cuddles and kisses then...


Aqua: your story is inspiring and I wish you all the best with your relationship. My patience is not strong enough to handle 7 years, but who knows??

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jol incredibly ..I know just what your feeling re the migraine and the man



I have suffered since childhood ..they wipe me off my feet , I have them weekly and headaches in-between . I get cluster headaches

which used to be called "suicide headaches" as it was known people have killed themselves with the pain.


my ex ..well I have was having one of these , everyone else has usually just left me to it ..holding my head in agony praying for sleep to stop the pain ..he came upstairs and wrapped a boiling hot towel on my head like a turban and held it there until I fell asleep.


its things like that ...that destroy me , its things like that that makes me know what a genuine beautiful man he is ...




skippy there are no women perched on my bird house waiting for a slap up meal of bread and basmati ...I hope ..


your just trying to get out of buffet duties ....go on ..on your way


hope your ok gilly ...good days bad days ....it will pass again .


loulou ..glad you haven't had time to be online ...but still nice to see you ....

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Hi all

This is my first post. Hopefully it's in the right place, sorry if it's not.

Long story reasonably short: I found out that my fiance (as he was) of 8 years had been having an affair for 6 months. I forgave him but after 10 days he contacted her so I told him that we were finished and chucked him out.

I couldn't go for no contact, I loved him far too much for that, so I worked at getting myself a life and a new body! It all worked, and after about 6 weeks I told him that an ex had got in contact and asked me out. This caused jealousy from my fiance,he realised he didn't want to lose me and we got back together at the beginning of November.

It's all wonderful now, he's being totally transparent about his movements, and any questions that I ask are answered fully, even to the reasons for the affair.

However, could anyone that has successfully reconciled tell me how to go forward. I love him to bits, he is the love of my life. He doesn't stop apologising for the affair and says "he lost his way" but now knows 100% he wants to be with me for the rest of his life, but I can't help thinking that if he should meet someone else that turns his head he won't give me a second thought. He'll start another affair and just say sorry to me upsetting me!

I'm ashamed to feel like this because he's trying so very hard (he's booked us a week away, just the two of us; no kids).

I've also told him that we are no longer engaged and that if he should propose to me again he has to be sure that he can say the words of the marriage ceromony and mean them; and stick to them.

Anyone got any advice of how I can stop feeling like this?

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My ex emailed me today to ask whether or not it had snowed here... then again later to tell me that he'd bought a new camera, sent me a couple of pictures he'd taken. I wish that I could find out without asking him, how he feels about 'us' now!! I'm keeping contact minimal, letting him contact me then replying in a positive way. Ugh... I guess we will see, in time.


Sometimes I hate time!



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My ex emailed me today to ask whether or not it had snowed here... then again later to tell me that he'd bought a new camera, sent me a couple of pictures he'd taken. I wish that I could find out without asking him, how he feels about 'us' now!! I'm keeping contact minimal, letting him contact me then replying in a positive way. Ugh... I guess we will see, in time.


Sometimes I hate time!



Time is your friend right now sara, it's lets the dust settle, get past the hurt, remember the good things about the relationship..and of course to miss you


And the most important thing!! gives you time to concentrate on yourself!!


loulou x

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Hey everyone,


So I thought I would try to watch a film to take my mind of things and tomorrow- chose what I thought was a comedy. Start to get really into it and realise its all about second chance loves etc etc Its called New Years Eve. Please dont watch unless you want a good cry.


However i do think a good cry has helped a little. Now to find something better to watch.


Any ideas anyone?

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I avoid all love movies, if i see a couple i change the channel. I also ignore couples bragging about each other.


Lol, i should just watch Friday the 13th movies, they kill couples in those movies, lol.


haha...well i do actually watch love movies and listen to love songs....i'm past that stage now, i'm becoming desensitized


loulou x

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I have no idea what's around movie wise at the moment... but am avoiding anything to do with love and romance as far as I can. I did hear a couple of old love songs on the radio the other day which put me on a downer for a few hours. Stupid radio!!


I'm watching a lot of episodes of '24'. All action and excitement, not many love scenes at all.


Loulou... thanks for reminding me that time is my friend



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