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The "getting back together support thread"!!


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that was very constructive dig


thankyou for opening up and for sharing ..I hope , in years to come , when the new generations of ena's read this thread , they have

their light bulb moment ..that ping, that clarity after reading your inspirational words ...




Made me do a lol

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January has been an emotional time as far as the cosmos is concerned and lot of people have felt uneasy and charged with emotion ..that has now come to an end as leo enters the moon.

Tonight is also a full moon , so any cosmic orderers out there ..tonight is a good night for an order.


here is a copy and paste about the moon


The Full Moon in the regal sign Leo on February 7th should give us all a bit of a confidence boost - there's nothing like Leo energy for giving us all a chance to shine. Meanwhile, has the current line up of Neptune in Pisces and Mars retrograde in tthoughtful Virgo made you feel a bit insular? These two planets are telling us its all in the details. Right now we have all been examining our lives to see what is real - Virgos attention to detail combined with Mars call to action; and what is an illusion. The Full Moon in Leo tells you you are worth it and that your soul is unique and unrepeatable. Are you honouring that? Being true to ourselves is fundamental to our soul's growth but it is not always easy. This Full Moon reminds you that you are valid and that your choices matter. You have the right to be who you are and stand in your truth. As Marianne Wiliamson reminds us, by doing that, you allow others to stand in their own truth and integrity. Between now and Mars going direct on April 14th, think, feel and know your truth to be valid and gather your love for the next step. You are getting ready to explore your life path in an entirely new way.


Funnily enough I have had quite a full on week as I was told there was a chance there was something seriously wrong with me and had to have tests. Whilst waiting I reflected on my life journey and where I am going. It certainly puts things in perspective when we are confronted with our mortality! Luckily I am fine and I heard the good news on the very day Neptune went into Pisces - Saturday 4th. The next evolutionary step for me is to continue to share the love and to convey the importance of this time and the message that we are all an important part in a big shift of conscioussness and that each one of us matters. Life really is a holiday on earth and none of us are here forever, make today and every day count as each moment is invaluable and how you feel about your life matters not only to you - but to all of us.

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Hi everyone


I feel like a really bad girl for “spying” on you, but you all make me feel good with what you’re saying and the way you support each other! AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW IT!

The man with the capital M left January first (love the way he made me start 2012) – won’t give you the details since this is a happy place (you know, rainbows and flowers and such stuff – or maybe it’s the wine talking… or maybe because the reasons he gave were… well… stupid – maybe the wine again), but I’m really going through a hard time and need some support and some laughter and need to see that there is a way out of it… Even if he doesn't come back.

So, just wanted so say HI and THANKS to all of you! I’ll continue eavesdropping on you!

Take care all! /M

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Thank you You're really kind.

Oh, I'm sure I will share one day... It's a long story. But in short, two years togehter, distance (about an hour by train) I was the one doing the travelling because of worksituation. And then he ended it because he felt he wouldn't do the same sacrifice for me if it was the other way around (sacrifice to be with the man I love? BS). But he still says he loves me. Still cares about me. Didn't want to let go of my hand during our last meeting (which was very friendly, everything has been very friendly) and held on to me when I wanted to end our last hug. And that confuses me. And it makes me angry. And I actually wish he had said he'd fallen out of love...

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that was very constructive dig


thankyou for opening up and for sharing ..I hope , in years to come , when the new generations of ena's read this thread , they have

their light bulb moment ..that ping, that clarity after reading your inspirational words ...



Double Whoot! Whoot!
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I can related to the confusing signals. I get a lot of them now with my exBF and I have such a hard time detaching from them (and him).


He also said he loved me during our last R talk (late November), so I understand how it might seem easier for him to say he'd fallen out of love with you.


I could have written your post.


Anyway, I wanted to say we're here if you need us. If nothing else, we're going to make you laugh.


Do you like PB Kit Kats? (Not that it's required to post here, just wondering....)

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Good evening my dear friends near and far....


Remember my earlier post where I made all kinds of "ass"umptions on what RC was doing?

And I reconciled the reaction within myself and my own post?

And I said it tells me a lot about not being detached enough?

And blah, blah, blah, and all that other junk I was dealing with?


Guess who just sent me a text message? (As my dad would say, you get 3 guesses, and the first 3 don't count! Or something like that.)


He didn't want me to make a wasted trip up to the Rec Center to work out. Apparently there are hundreds of people there for a swim meet and all of the workout equipment is being used too. He was leaving to drive home.


Normally I am there on Tuesday & Thursday night, since I have been getting in shape and losing weight. But not tonight. I am still feeling yucky and not breathing well yet, so I came home. It was also a tough day at work.


RC hasn't been there to work out with me in a few weeks, so I just "ass"umed he didn't want to work out with me anymore (too uncomfortable?).


Oh the human mind and the things we do ALL ON OUR OWN if left by ourselves. Add being tired, stressed, and a headache to the mix and watch out!!


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know better than to do that to myself. Really I do.

But as I said before, I obviously need to detach a little more.


What have I learned today class?

1) He is not out of town.

2) He may not mind working out with me.

3) The Rec Center is packed tonight.

4) Facebook may be the antichrist.

5) You really do spell it this way...."ass"-ume.

6) I need to detach.

7) I have learned a lot and grow more every day.

There may be a quiz later!


I think I will go pour a glass and look at the moon some more.


P.S. I haven't responded to the text and not sure I will. I'm still thinking about it.... This is me detaching....yeah right, lol

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Oooh... I like quizzes, Cindy


We are dangerous, aren't we, when we do thinking.

Thinking, has got me into a lot of trouble over the years!


Can I make a quick change to your No.4 though?

It should say...


4) Facebook may be the antichrist (Apart from the 'Words With Friends' bit, 'cause Sara quite likes that bit).

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