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The "getting back together support thread"!!


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Oooh... I like quizzes, Cindy


We are dangerous, aren't we, when we do thinking.

Thinking, has got me into a lot of trouble over the years!


Can I make a quick change to your No.4 though?

It should say...


4) Facebook may be the antichrist (Apart from the 'Words With Friends' bit, 'cause Sara quite likes that bit).


Yes, thinking (or literally making stuff up) is very dangerous.


I like the revision, but feel we need to take it one step further:

4) Facebook may be the antichrist apart from Words with Friends and Scrabble, because we like those - helps us maintain the little bit of sanity we have left.


Does that revision work for you?

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Hey ya'll.


(And good morning to those who are ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz as I type this.)


After the long day and several kicks in the rump, I had a massive headache and had to take a little nap. I have been having them a lot in the past two weeks, but I think it's mostly related to being sick and a lot of stress. (It could also be from staring at the computer too much, who knows.)


I did respond to the text from RC, but waited a couple of hours. I simply said "Thx. Didn't go tonight." That's it. Short, sweet, and to the point. He didn't say anything more.


As a follow-up to my stinkin thinkin lesson.....

More silence on Facebook - not because I snooped on his page, but because he hasn't made a play in the Scrabble game since early Monday or late Sunday. I didn't see any posts from him on my page, but I didn't go looking. It does seem odd for him, but it's not something I should worry about.


Once again, it goes to show....

I don't know what is going on in someone else's head or life. Why spend all MY precious energy and time trying to figure it out? After all, I have enough in my own head and life to keep me busy for weeks, if not months. Between work, my mom, my foot injury, my son, housework, etc..., I don't need more on the pile!

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and quite right as well cindy


good morning everyone ..


*where love is concerned , an angel will do whatever it takes to get the job done.*


Aren't you the early bird shooting star!!!


I've had my boys home sick, so i've had a few nice lay ins


it's good to see everyone's feeling happy!!....


loulou x

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Morning all.....


Cindy - the mind will always play tricks - that's what intelligence does for us....


Skippy - if they censor you - I will censor myself!!!


Mimora - it's all so confusing and we here feel it too. It does get easier - try to keep busy and stop your mind wandering too much (Cindy will atest to the dangers of this...lol)


NOW - about the bloody KitKats - ggggrrrrrr - I have a gluten allergy, so I can't even try one!! Please stick with the mini eggs and then I can contribute....hahahahaha...


I have another headache, but not a migraine (which I suppose I should be grateful for) and it makes me feel a bit miserable. I haven't had a glass of wine for a week now....

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Off track isn't too bad if it helps you move on, eh?


What a great thread. Had a pretty good day yesterday. I heard from her periodically via text, but I seemed to generate it every time. I think I'm going to peel back for a while. I don't want to fool myself into thinking we were back, and I might have been. Things seemed to move forward better when I layed back.


My counselor said she was so proud of me which caused my chest to puff out. She cut me back to meeting once a month. She didn't really have anything to say about what happened between my ex and I, but did say she thought the both of our heads seem to be in the right place. She thinks it's interesting that our relationship has so many facets, and seems to be a living, breathing things, that constantly is changing and evolving. She said for good, or for bad, that our relationship will have taken on character and meaning, and that whether we end up together or not, it will be certainly thought through.


This morning I woke up not missing her too much, and I guess that's because I know I can reach out to her if I want too. But I don't think I will, I'll wait to hear from her.


Hope everyone is having a good day



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dig - you should feel proud!! Your counsellor is right and I have nothing but positive hope for you. You are in the best frame of mind right now, and I think she will come to you when she's ready...


stagn - we know we get off-track and we try not to, but whatever we say or do on this thread - we are tring to help eachother through difficult times, and...... it seems to be working. I am smiling every day when I am reading this thread, and I wasn't doing that before.

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dig - you should feel proud!! Your counsellor is right and I have nothing but positive hope for you. You are in the best frame of mind right now, and I think she will come to you when she's ready...


stagn - we know we get off-track and we try not to, but whatever we say or do on this thread - we are tring to help eachother through difficult times, and...... it seems to be working. I am smiling every day when I am reading this thread, and I wasn't doing that before.



YOU just made my chest puff out!!!


Thank you soooooo much. You have been such a positive influence to me. I can sometimes feel your energy coming through the screen, it's that powerful. I believe in Karma, and the good that you have done for many here will come back to you ten fold, I believe that.


Thank you, you put a exclamation point on a morning that had already started out pretty good.



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dig - you just made me feel very good too!! Thank you so much, and I am sooooo happy knowing I have helped in any way. I just try to be honest and SUPPORTIVE, and I think that is missing sometimes on this forum. a break up is known to be one of the the biggest life-stressers, so I believe support and empathy are essential, whatever the situation. After all, we are all adults and will make our own choices at the end of the day, whatever advice we are given.


Thanks again.....

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I think we can all get so caught up in all the bad, and I do it frequently, however I'm starting to take pride in how my ex and I have handled this. I made some dreadful mistakes in the way I treated her at the break-up, but I think she is trying to understand why. Once she does that, then she can determine if she can forgive me. BUT, the fact that she is still around, and we are communicating like old friends, is something to be happy about, not sad!! I have no reason to be sad ... at the very least, I have a very good friend. What is wrong with that? Nothing as far as I can tell.


I guess my point is, sometimes I feel I'm slipping into that sad place, and I've come accustomed to getting on here and pulling from your positive energy and "support". That is a testament to you, and many others on here.


I've mad all of my choices on my own, some good, and some bad. But, they were my choices, and I can learn and grow from them. I hope you've done the same.


Thank YOU again ... lol



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this thread has gotten off track. I'm glad everyone on here is getting something they want out of it. As long as its helping you all.


It's on track, it's a support thread, where the same or different people can come everyday or whenever, to talk, support each other, through good days and bad days


loulou x

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well I felt like crap yesterday. It was the exes bday. I didn't contact her at all because I'm not in the states. I can't help my bad side of wanting to be with her and I can't shake the thought off my head that she's sleeping with somebody else on her bday. So it was a setback for me and given next week is VDay...it's going to be hard as well. I thought traveling would be nice to get my mind off of things, but it's not helping at all. No matter how beautiful a destination is, in the eyes of a heartbroken person, all I can see is the loneliness and can't shake the image of "wouldn't it be nice if she was here with me."


No I'm not dellusional. I know we are not getting back together because she responded to my email a while back regarding my offer to convert. Basically she said she its important for her to find a partner who shares the same faith and lifestyle. In short, she said she'll always love me and treasure our time together. However, we cannot move on until we both close this beautiful chapter in our lives. She asked me to learn to let her go. She ended her email with "Will LOVE YOU always" So no getting together is not a possibility for us. I still however miss her.


I also think that "always" and "never" are two words everyone should always remember to never use.

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stagn - everything you are feeling is completely natural!! The memories, the nice things not seeming so 'nice' because she isn't there. VDay is going to be difficult for all of us here - do we send a card or not? Do we contact or not? I feel it too.


I don't believe you are dillusional at all!! You sound extremely balanced and I think you are dealing with things to the best of your ability.


I hope today is a better day for you....

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afternoon ...


stagn don't dwell on v day ...its just a day ..its a commercial gain , its a bone of contention , its a 24 hour period that this world

has managed to turn into major event ...


I see there has been a lot of chest puffing going on today ..I like chest puffing ..I am doing it now..


my cat has just tried to get through the cat flap with a mouse ... poor thing ..the mouse that is ..needles to say the cat flap is locked now ,,,ha ...I did once manage to get one out of his mouth and I gave it cardiac massage ..I did ...anyhow it didn't work

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afternoon ...


stagn don't dwell on v day ...its just a day ..its a commercial gain , its a bone of contention , its a 24 hour period that this world

has managed to turn into major event ...


I see there has been a lot of chest puffing going on today ..I like chest puffing ..I am doing it now..


my cat has just tried to get through the cat flap with a mouse ... poor thing ..the mouse that is ..needles to say the cat flap is locked now ,,,ha ...I did once manage to get one out of his mouth and I gave it cardiac massage ..I did ...anyhow it didn't work


LMAO ... you are hillarious!


I don't think it was cardiac massage ... I'm not sure what that is ...


I agree on vday ... here in Ohio (and I think it's just Ohio) we also have a thing called "Sweetest Day". It's only a couple months removed from vday ... absolutely ridiculous.


So, in the name of vday, and loving ourselves, I say we take the day to remind ourselves how much we love ourselves.

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LMAO ... you are hillarious!


I don't think it was cardiac massage ... I'm not sure what that is ...


I agree on vday ... here in Ohio (and I think it's just Ohio) we also have a thing called "Sweetest Day". It's only a couple months removed from vday ... absolutely ridiculous.


So, in the name of vday, and loving ourselves, I say we take the day to remind ourselves how much we love ourselves.


For vday I'm sending myself roses, chocolates, and kissing the mirror!!

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For vday I'm sending myself roses, chocolates, and kissing the mirror!!


I'm going to one-up you. For VDay I'm treating myself out to dinner, go home have some music in the background, dim the lights a bit and proceed with a bit of self love. I now know why people call me HANDsome

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