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what was so bad about this nice gesture I did for his kids?


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He has 2 boys ( ages 6 and 5 ).


A couple weeks before Christmas, I did a secret santa stunt on them. I bought them each a couple toys, wrapped them, put them in a big red bag with a letter attached to the bag. The letter read:


"Dear j and N,

My name is Snickle Pickle Fickle Fart. I am an elf from the North Pole. My boss, Santa Clause, sent me to your house a in a magic bubble to deliver an early Christmas gift for you both - he said he is proud that you made his his Extra Good list....." The kids about died from laughter!!!


Anyway, he got mad over the letter. he said "Fart" in the name wasn't appropriate. WTH. Made me feel pretty bad.

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oh banana what A FAB FAB FAB FAB FAB thing to do ...its lovely ....your lovely truly.


ok the word fart ..


I have noticed over the pond it is used on all the stuff my girl watches ( American teen stuff) so it's an acceptable word.


I am in the uk and I was brought up not to say it , that it's not a swear word but is vulgar and I don;t allow my daughter to

use this expression.


I think he just needs to leave it and cherish the wonderful girlfriend he has and the thought you put into this just restored my

faith in human kind .


He doesn't like the word ..now you know , he could of delivered it a bit better ...please don't feel bad , you have made my day with that little story.

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The point here I think, is that instead of getting annoyed at her. He could have first expressed how thoughtful the idea was, and kindly said that he'd appreciate it if that word wasnt used too/infront of his children again. Especially if she didnt know she wasnt supposed to say it.


Would you really get angry if someone did something lovely for your child and made one mistake, or would you approach it diplomatically

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I agree, I would not want the word Fart used with my 5 or 6 year old. Kids mimic and then they think it is ok to go around saying fart fart fart because an adult made it ok.
Agreed- kids don't have the ability to know when certain words or actions are inappropriate and tend to produce them at the most embarrassing occasions. And if they had, it would have been the father that would have taken the heat for it.
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I think that the present was sweet and that the fart thing was fine. That's just me.


HOWEVER.... I read your previous threads and you two had a breakup recently. It sounds like he was annoyed/not interested in the relationship for a while, and at that stage, the may get upset over the smallest things. ie, like giving a nice present, but having the word fart in the note. They find reasons to pick at you and to make you feel bad.


In any case, the relationship is over, I wouldn't contact him anymore (he said he would get a restraining order against you!!) Just leave it be.

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Agreed- kids don't have the ability to know when certain words or actions are inappropriate and tend to produce them at the most embarrassing occasions. And if they had, it would have been the father that would have taken the heat for it.


I agree, it would not look too good to have the kids singing "fart fart fart" at great granny's birthday party or in line at the post. Not everyone thinks that is "cute".

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thanx everyone. yes, we are no longer a couple. I was just reading some of his old emails and saw the "fart" one where he really ripped me (pun intended).


Anyway, he does have bubble wrap around those kids, so it' doesn't surprise me that "fart" pissed him off. Such a naughty word and I doubt if any of their friends will ever say SUCH a thing.

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