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So i was seeing this girl for a couple months we both like the same things. She wanted to have a fling while i wanted a relationship a long story short i gave her the ultimatium and she said no. I said ok and hung up didn't look back. I came back from out of the country and went on a date and a week after i go to work and since we both work together she was there and she told me she needed to ask me something. She asked if we could start talking again and i said no i need to move on and live my life. Then she said i should've done this a while ago and i said what she said i want to be with u. I was like * * * why now? So i was like let me think about it i brought her lunch the next day cuz i ran into her mom and she said she has no time to eat and stuff. She smiled and was so happy and it made my day to see that. Well i asked her to make it offical and she said she needed more time thats when i was like no more of this bs. So i moved on i gave it a couple months dated but realized i wanted her. So last week i went to work and saw her before she left. I told her that i wanted to be with her and that i wanted a relationship and if she feels the same that we should just go with it. She told me she was kinda in a relationship so i was like i want u to be happy and she told me the same. I kissed her on the forehead and said you make the decision and ill be happy with whatever you choose. Well i get a text the day we work together saying i didn't know how to tell you this but im in a relationship. I have been to scared to tell you. I was like congrads. I already know your in a relationship and i am happy for you. I go into work right as i leave the break room i see her and just walk by. She texts me saying i hope we can still be friends. I dont respond because i dont want friendship i learned last year to never settle for less than what you want and what will make you happy. So i havent seen her since and just wondering what next. I know move on because she wont come back but why be scared? I dont understand

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