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Is suicide wrong?

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ok well there are two sides to this. on the one hand its your life and it should be your choice but on the other hand you are taking yourself away from those who care about you, but then again wouldnt they want you to be happy, is suicide wrong i need to hear some oppinions on this because ive been through it before with a few friends and im not sure if it is wrong or right or a choice or what so a little insight would help

-stitches aka The antihero

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I don't see what you mean when you say "wouldnt they want you to be happy". I dont see suicide as an option unless your in too much pain to live (physical).


I dont think theres any justification in suicide, its a last resort that some people choose. theres always other options, killing yourself doesnt solve anything for anyone.


I think many people will agree that suicide is a wrong choice

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I am not going to stay within your parameters here in terms of right and wrong as they carry moral implications.


What I can share with you is this:

Suicide is incredibly stupid, wasteful and useless.


We are all born. We all live. We all die. No exceptions.


We all have a limited time on this earth to live and to learn and to create meaning. We create meaning by service to ourselves, to others, to our environment and to our respective diety or dieties.


When someone commits suicide, they only hurt those that care about them. Friends, family, and anyone connected with them. This causes people, like yourself, to stop and wonder and deal with the emotinal pain of this loss. These people ask themselves if they did something wrong or missed a clue and often times are so hurt that they need counciling themselves.


When young people commit suicide it is even more wasteful. Parents have sacrificed their time, money, effort, love, patience, hopes and dreams to bring a child into this world. It is hard work, it is not appreciated until years and years later. Many people have a difficult time raising kids. When that child commits suicide, it was all for nothing. One fifth of their life, half of their working life dedicated to their family and another handful of years trying to come to terms with the loss. This is just the parents perspective.


What about all those people that would have been helped and served in the future had the person not commited suicide? Those people he or she would have touched and helped in some way. The lives that would have been better and more enriched? What opportuniities have been lost? What great works of art, what fine works of literature, what amazing score of music will our future children be without?


To put a parameter of this question only around a right of one person to decide his or her own fate is flawed thinking. We are all connected in some way and we are connected in much closer ways that most people think.


I hope that this helps you better understand..



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Suicide is a bad thing to do.

I agree with thatguy, unless you can't stand physical pain, suicide is bad any way you see it.

There's always light at the end of the tunnel, and if a suicidal wants to flee from pain then he/she can flee literally! somewhere else, start life anew.

That's what I think when I suffer.

Once I helped a very suicidal friend to get over it, he was done with life, but I hitted him and told him to look beyond the past and stuff, now he's married, has a child and is happy, when I'm down, I think about that day and smile because I helped somebody to hold on to life.

Nothing in life worths more than yourself, my grand father used to say: First, me; after, me; and in the end me!

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I don't think suicide is right under ANY circumstances. It's selfish, and weak. I don't believe that any person is given more than they can deal with in life, and I think some people are just not willing to face the hard work that it sometimes takes. Suicide is the easy out. What does it solve? Okay, so you're not around to deal with the crap anymore, but everyone who knows you lives the rest of their lives out with your tragic death on their hearts and minds, wondering if it was because of them, agonizing over whether or not they could have helped. There are millions of people who have to deal with the same kind of crap in their own lives- many of them suffer worse situations than you- so what makes your plight so much worse than theirs that it merits death? It's just plain selfish.

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Stitches man... ok.

1st. Suicide is not the answer for any problem.

2nd. would you really want all that people that cared about you so much now be frustrated about this? You know when this girl killed herself I told you about stitches. She killed herself and she was a friend of mine. Thats really hurt every bit of me.

3rd. How will this affect the precent of future generations? Suicide is not a game; its a very sensitive thing pall.

last. What are the reasons? Why do you want to do something like that to yourself? Whats the problem? have you checked for the answers? Have you asked for help? Have you asked for profecional help?

Dude; a life, a sould is worth more than all the Gold in this whole world! Why do you people take it so meaningless if its so important? Think about it... ALL the GOLD in the WHOLE WORLD. Isn't that so little compared to a soul? A gun or a knife was not made to take away your own life. The gun was made for hunting and defence and the knife was made for the butchers tu cut cow's meat. Think about what you are going to do next time. Life is like checkers. You have to watch your every move.

I hope I helped! Good luck stitches

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When someone commits suicide, they only hurt those that care about them. Friends, family, and anyone connected with them. This causes people, like yourself, to stop and wonder and deal with the emotinal pain of this loss. These people ask themselves if they did something wrong or missed a clue and often times are so hurt that they need counciling themselves.


People look outside the positions of suicidals and see the effects and say it's wrong. But how many have held a shaving blade inches from the neck contemplating the choices?

When you're living not because you wanted to be alive but because others cared about you and they wanted you to be alive, who would you be living for? Would you be still living for youself? What meaning is there to life, then, if you're not living for yourself? Life then would be the sympathies of others and their wishes for you to be alive so they won't suffer the traumas? It's either they get counselling for your death or you live to suffer and spare them their trauma and counselling. So... you tell me... who should suffer? Or do you think a suicidal person deserves to suffer for that very idea?

Life is great when you're able to enjoy it. Life is the best thing when it's ecstasy. Many things makes you want to just let go, while many makes you want to live on. Sometimes it drives you to the brink of madness only to reach another height of joy another day. It's high hope one day and suicidal another. It's irritating, aggravating.

Most that replied thinks committing suicide is wrong. But from where are the replies coming from? The replies comes from lives that were deemed worth living. It's only natural that some could just answer that it's wrong to commit suicide. It doesn't even matter if a person who attempted sucide is here saying it's wrong. It's a personal, individual question. A suicidal person attempted suicide and now he decided it's worth living. Another need to decide for himself.

There's no right or wrong answer to suicides. The suicidal person himself is to figure out whether life is worth living and others is to be the judge.

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Well ill give myself awhile before i ever try it again though.But if i grow up to be like 38 or something and i have never had a gf or anythig by then i cant go on anymore there is no reason for me to be here if i have no girl or children to support its so fricken pointless.Why should i stay here if im gonna be taking up space on this planet working for myself just to do the things i like i would love to have a wife when im older and kids.But if i go like past 32 or something without one girl that has been attracted to me i could not go on anymore...whats the point? i have no put any kids on this planet or done anything to help my world except live and die.Just have to wait for the army.....If i get old enough without a gf like i said befor eim joining th army and going over to iraq or places where fighting is going on and im gonna put my life to the test.If i died then god didnt mean for me to do anythign special....if i live then maybe i hjave a point and maybe ill actually get a gf wow that would be a great life but my hope for that seems to get smaller and smaller everyday it stretching thin.I say screw life like 90 percent of the time there is nothign but mean people who dont treat u the way u should be treated i dont wnana live for that but im holding on just by my anti depressants and my string is lookign prertty thin.

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what if the parents DID something wrong? I know a few who just got rid off their parents before it was too late ("rid off" as living somewhere else, not burying them in the garden).


and there is no right or wrong in suicide. it's your belief that tells you that. though, I don't feel that it is a good solution. sometimes it really could be a relief - depending on the situation.


so, what do you believe in? maybe we can take it from there.

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