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If a person would love you, would you still ask him these questions?


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If your significant other would love you, would you still ask him such questions as:


"Do you love me?"

"Do you miss me sometimes?"


How desperate is to send a message to your significant other with one of those questions if he haven't contacted you for almost half of the week? You know that he was busy, but also he had some free minutes to contact you.

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I wouldn't do it either. It seems very insecure and it would create awkwardness between both partners, and even if you did this what are you hoping to hear exactly?


Most likely you would get a vague response or none at all. Let things flow naturally without unnecessary validation, especially when you know they are busy.

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Personally, I think those questions are kind of manipulative. They are designed to make him feel guilty and respond to you in a particular way.


If YOU miss him and YOU love him... why don't you just say that? Then he can respond however he likes. You are getting your point accross without all the guilt and pre-conceived answers.


I'd go nuts if someone sent me "Do you miss me?" and be all mad. If they sent "I miss you", I'd think it was sweet.


... and if you are in love, you should be able to tell them that you love them and miss them till your heart is content.


HUGE difference.

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The whole "do you love me?" thing is annoying, very, very, VERY annoying. I'd advise you not to do it. If I was him, I'd say "Noooo, I absolutely hate you freakin' guts, but I'm with you just to keep you happy".


It's best to let him tell you he loves you and he misses you. And if he's busy, then don't harass him, it'll only make your problems worse.

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