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Do you share your facebook password with your significant other?

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My boyfriend and I didn't intentionally exchange all our passwords on purpose, it's just happened over time. The password to log on to his laptop is the same password he uses for pretty much everything. So I know his facebook password, banking passwords... He knows mine because I asked him to log on to facebook for me once and so he knows all mine now too.


I wouldn't ACTIVELY tell someone all my passwords, and I wouldn't be happy if they asked (it'd make me feel watched).

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I completely understand that everyone is entitled to their privacy, but personally I don't mind sharing my password with my boyfriend ;p There's nothing on there I would mind him seeing, so I don't really care if he goes on it... Which is why it makes me kind of hurt when my boyfriend doesn't want to share his password with me. Like, I know that sometimes people just want personal space, but I guess it's hard to accept that he's not as open with me as I am with him...


This is a line of reasoning that people use in an attempt to justify all sorts of things. "I'm comfortable with X so I'm hurt/worried/confused why my partner is not comfortable with X". It's just not very good logic and is generally unfair. Just because you're comfortable with your privacy to be intruded upon, it doesn't mean that your partner should be. That's all it really comes down to.


And valuing privacy does not mean that a person has something to hide. It means that they value having personal space that is theirs and theirs only. It's like that feeling of someone looking over your shoulder while you're on a computer. Even if you have nothing to hide and aren't doing anything you don't mind being shared, it's just annoying and feels intrusive psychologically.

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I'll tell everyone a sad story that involves my current relationship. By sad I mean pathetic...


Anyways I use to log into my boyfriends WoW, which he had no issue with giving me his password for. Down the road I discovered this password was for his computer login and facebook and email... I had started snooping because I was concered. Shortly after he started logging into MSN I walked into the living room and saw his ex on cam, she was just showing him a cat but it bothered me because they have a huge history.


Anyways after that I logged into his computer and just looked at what he was doing, of course I found a huge folder of pornography pictures, porn movies and websites he had went to, to view porn. We both were always ok if each other viewing porn, but I got worried that he was either addicted or liked it more then me.


Later on I logged into his email from my computer and found emails between him and his ex before I was with him. The emails upset me because the ex he was writing to wanted to hook up and he had a gf at the time, and they were planning on hooking up but then the emails just stopped. I never told him about that but I feel awful but it made me worried, what if he cheated on me with this ex?


Anyways what I did was wrong, I later told him I had logged on his computer and saw the porn and just bluntly asked if he loved me anymore. At that point we were having sex once a month or less or go for 3 months at a time. And he always used the low sex drive excuse.


I majorly invaded his privacy which was wrong and he changed all his passwords after he found out what I did. We have been together almost 5 years now and its been probably a year since I tried logging into his computer well 8 months or a year... I think our trust is in a safe zone now. And we just openly try and share our problems or concerns.


Anyways I have never given out my passwords to him and refuse to and he doesn't to me, only his WoW one, neither of us play now though. I don't think people should share their passwords because it causes to many problems. And I am sorry for some things need to be privet, your SO doesn't need to know EVERYTHING you do or talk about with other people.


Anyhow shared the story because I had a password and I snooped which screwed our relationship up temporary but we are on track now.

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