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What Happens After The Infatuation Stage...?


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See each other once every two years,lol. Just joking. I'd say develop some common interest. Men and woman first and foremost should be friends. If they stay in a long term rel. They will spend the greatest part of their lives talking so thats where the longevity will come in. Most married people have kids eventually and thats what keeps them together. Unless they are very compatible and in synch ,eventually people grow apart without a common interest which for most couples is kids. You can stay together without children but then you have to share some passion beyond the bedroom because that rarely lasts forever. But even if it did,common interests make for complete satisfaction if you get that with passion you 've got it knocked!

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I find after the infatuation stage that it is the personality, interests, quirks and mannerisms that start to come under scrutiny. The stuff you tend to gloss over in the beginning, like the little personality traits and differences in interests, that really do make you incompatible. I start to become less forgiving of annoying personality traits and that cute little quirk she has - not so much cute anymore, infact it's just plain irritating.

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Basically you jsut start to see the more uglier side of the person.

The little quirks which maybe irritating.

Your irritating quirks will show more as well.

There may seem o be lack of affection and interest but that's normal and shouldn't be taken as a red flag.


When they are suddenly distant, not contacting you anywhere near as much and wanting space, that's when there is a red flag.

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When im in a relationship I try and NOT think of it in terms of the honeymoon phase. The beginning is getting to know that person, After time, if anything it tends to get or should get better. SOmetimes I find the first few months HARDEST cos your adjusting to eachothers personality etc. Then as time goes on you get more comfortable and if anything it gets easier.

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When im in a relationship I try and NOT think of it in terms of the honeymoon phase. The beginning is getting to know that person, After time, if anything it tends to get or should get better. SOmetimes I find the first few months HARDEST cos your adjusting to eachothers personality etc. Then as time goes on you get more comfortable and if anything it gets easier.


Thank you.

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