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Huge Sexual Tension With Ex

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So there has been a built-up of sexual tension between me and my ex. We broke up 3 months ago.


We are now friends. When we see each other (for school) twice a week, there would always be a lot of mutual flirting/teasing


Today after school, we went to a library to study. We sat at a pretty discrete spot on the floor. While I was teaching her, we started flirting again and since we were sitting on the floor shoulder to shoulder, the flirting turned into physical poking around. Then we started tickling each other and she's more ticklish than I am so every time I tickled her hard, she'd always fall onto me. Although I wasn't getting tickled very much, she kept tickling me (I don't if it was because she wanted me to tickle her back). This silly game of tickling eventually lead to me grabbing her boobs. First it was just a few subtle touches but that turned into full-on grabs. She showed a little resistance but I knew that was pretentious as she kept tickling me back even though I was FULL grabbing her boobs lol.


After we both went home, I thought the boob grabbing crossed the line too far so I sent a text to her to apologize for my pervertedness. She's got no credit atm so I know she won't reply the text. The next time we'll see each other would be next Saturday.


BTW, I had blueballs for like 2 hours after that so I was obviously a bit aroused although she didn't touch me sexually. (blue balls has to be the most painful feeling, and the fact that it lasts for hours....not nice lol)


Any comments? Was the text necessary?


I think neither of us want a relationship but the sexual tension is clearly there.


Edit: She's not the type of person to do sexual things if not in a relationship.

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If you two know you're not getting back together, then stop flirting with her and instead put your efforts into flirting with and dating other people. Sexual tension is just frustration if you know it's not going to go anywhere, or that continuing in a relationship/situation like this won't lead anywhere.

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Err update...


She asked to meet up this morning so I went. (We haven't seen each other in the mornings after breaking up)


We ended up hugging each other.


I feel this is going to turn into a relationship soon. I'm still very much attracted to her but I don't want to get back together only to break up again for the same reasons.


She was the one who did the dumping so I won't be making the move to get back. But if she makes the move, I imagine it'll be very hard for me to reject her.


Any comments on this would be appreaciated, thanks.

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I feel like the two previous break ups with her have traumatized me a little.


Going into this relationship for the third time feels very different from the first and second times. I feel more mature and calm but at the same time, the physical chemistry between us is kind of dull.


I think it's best for me to take things slowly. Even though the chemistry peaked at the start of the relationship previously, maybe this time it will peak some where down the track. I don't know...


Right now, things are alright but not EXCITING. I just hope we can develop some excitement after some time.

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