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poem please read and reply thanks


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In time I have come to realize that it's hard to live like this,

Wishing you had things that are not around things you really miss.


It's hard to love another when they dont show the same love to you,

With all of your heart and soul you try to make things work to.


It's hard to love someone who seems to always be mad,

Someone that says they love you but leaves you alone and sad.


In time I have come to realize that there is nothing wrong with me,

That all the love I gave to you it's your problem you could not see.


All of the things I have been through that have got me where I am today,

You learn to not believe everyone and believe the words they say.


I have thought about you day and night about how much I love you so,

But when it really comes down to this it's not my problem you dont know.


All this time I have wanted you back and showed to you that I cared,

All the times I felt this way really I was alone and scared.


Do you think about what you did have you even opened your eyes to see,

That this beautiful girl in front of you was giving you everything it could be.


You may regret this and may not even have cared about the end,

But all I need to do is heal my broken heart and let it mend.


by me tell me what you think?

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Well you are saying I guess what you feel but really this is a very ordinary attempt at poetry. Most of your couplets simply don't make sense


It's hard to love another when they dont show the same love to you,

With all of your heart and soul you try to make things work to.


Don't concentrate so much on making a rhyme. Think about the meaning of what you want to say. If you try and shoehorn words into a rhyme it will lose depth and meaning.

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