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"I Love you" during BJ. Should I believe?


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We know each other for almost a year. We started as very close friends, then became friends with benefits, then - more than friends, but just this month we began our dating seriously after he broke with his fiancee. It's not official yet but we made everything so emotional: holding hands, kissing, making love, cooking food for each other, giving massage, bringing chocolate in the morning to bed, going for a walk, talking for hours about everything so openly and so on. He hadn't announced this yet, because he's afraid of people reaction that he left his fiancee because of me, but it's not truth. He always dreamt to do it for almost 8 years, just needed some motivation. And motivation was our feelings for each other and all this romantic things, because we really cared about each other.


Yesterday he was giving me hints how wonderful I am and that he's happy that I'm in his life now. So I asked: "You sound like you're you in love with me, are you?" And he said that it seems something like that he just doesn't want to say it too early because he's afraid that it wouldn't be a rebound thing. And today I made him BJ. So he was so sensitive and disconnected from reallity, that when I asked him something he replied suddenly without thinking "Cause I love you!".


So should I believe it? cause after all he said stroking my face and kissing me "You knew in the very beginning that it will be something more than just friends with benefits, didn't you?"

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It was a blow job.


well, in that case, don't take that as completely genuine just yet. brain chemistry alters dramatically during stress/pleasure, so it's quite "hard" (lol) to say how he felt. He could have meant it, or he could have not.


I would wait to see if he says it in a more formal setting....

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btw... I've never heard it said " I made him BJ/oral ". It's like it's a sandwich or meal or something. lol. It's usually " I gave him a bj "


sorry for grammar mistakes, i'm not american or english but i try to do my best when trying to explain or write something.

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If I'm reading this correctly, he was FWB's with you, while he had a fiancee? If that's the case, I wouldn't consider him relationship material.


No we were just friends while he had a fiancee. When he broke up with her then we became friends with benefits and it became stronger and stronger, while now we're just glued together romantically like a couple

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You are a rebound. He is 5 minutes out of a relationship and you are conveniently there. He doesn't have the hassle of trying to find a new bed partner to replace the last one because there you are. I really don't think this man is relationship material...people who bounce out of one relationship straight into the arms and bed of someone else are afraid of being alone and need the comfort of someone.

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cause after all he said stroking my face and kissing me "You knew in the very beginning that it will be something more than just friends with benefits, didn't you?"


Ahh, I love that line. To be honest, if he broke it off with his ex for you he may gladly repeat history in the future. Or not. Who's to say?

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Yeah guys, maybe you're right. So if friends with benefits is OK for me now, then probably I should stay at there and don't say a word beginning in "L". I'll let him do things and talk more. I'll try to keep my minds at the point that we're friends with benefits, unless he wants more and do more. Correct?

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Yeah guys, maybe you're right. So if friends with benefits is OK for me now, then probably I should stay at there and don't say a word beginning in "L". I'll let him do things and talk more. I'll try to keep my minds at the point that we're friends with benefits, unless he wants more and do more. Correct?


This is your call, but I think you're selling yourself short by agreeing to be a FWB, while it's obvious that you want more.

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This is your call, but I think you're selling yourself short by agreeing to be a FWB, while it's obvious that you want more.


I agree! The biggest problem I have is that you are a secret. That really sucks and I have to ask why you would settle for so little from a partner?

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Because it's 1 of 1 000 000 stories where a partner has some ex-relationship issues. She's so emotionally and mentally unstable, that he always worry that she may come to revenge to me physically. He say he needs more time while she relax herself and understand that everything is really over 100% with him. Because even last night she came to him to have sex, but got nothing and burst into aggression against me (i wasn't there at that time)

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No we were just friends while he had a fiancee. When he broke up with her then we became friends with benefits and it became stronger and stronger, while now we're just glued together romantically like a couple

He cheated on his fiancee with you? Then he will do the same TO you - he will cheat on you. Relationships that start as affairs usually end the same way.

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Because it's 1 of 1 000 000 stories where a partner has some ex-relationship issues. She's so emotionally and mentally unstable, that he always worry that she may come to revenge to me physically. He say he needs more time while she relax herself and understand that everything is really over 100% with him. Because even last night she came to him to have sex, but got nothing and burst into aggression against me (i wasn't there at that time)

If she is so unstable, then he should either call things off with her, or end things with you until he is completely single. You are being played and you will end up hurt.

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