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Ex's books in my boot...

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It's nearly three months since I spoke to my ex. Two months since he broke up with me by email. He picked a day when I wasn't home and moved his stuff out of my flat. Nothing new there - he'd done that three times previously.


He left a few bits and bobs behind and even though I didn't want to see them in my flat, I didn't feel they were worth contacting him about. Similarly, stuff of mine he's got which I decided I can live without so haven't contacted him about them either.


I was rummaging through my car's boot yesterday and found two books he'd borrowed from his university library for his post-grad research [he used my car quite a bit when we were together]. While I woudn't have bothered with trivial odd items, I feel he needs to know about these books.


My feeling is to write him an email simply saying:




I hope you're well. I found two library books in the boot of my car yesterday. Thought you need to know. Please let me know what you'd like me to do with them.


Take care.


Now, he's probably likely to tell me to shove them in one orifice in my anatomy where the sun doesn't shine. Part of me hopes he does, as that will only help me further get over him.


I'm not one to be vindictive, and I know he can incur some serious fine for not returning the books. We don't have mutual friends and I'm not about to drive 25 miles to return them to the library for him. I'm not sure I want to see his face either.


My question: Is this worth breaking NC for? I'm really not quite over him and part of me hopes he's nasty to me. But I know if I get a nice email back, I might just melt into this love-sick puppy I've nearly succeeded in annihilating!

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It's nearly three months since I spoke to my ex. Two months since he broke up with me by email. He picked a day when I wasn't home and moved his stuff out of my flat. Nothing new there - he'd done that three times previously.


My feeling is to write him an email


Now, he's probably likely to tell me to shove them in one orifice in my anatomy where the sun doesn't shine.


My question: Is this worth breaking NC for?

Due to what you say above (in bold), I would say NO, don't break contact and don't send him an email. He obviously hasn't missed the books and if he does, it's up to him to get them back (imo), especially considering the way he broke up with you.

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If you are really concerned with him getting them back, then dont write him an email that invites any sort of contact back from him in any way. Its also a little difficult knowing who broke up with who and why in this case, but it doesnt sound like things ended amicably.


In that case I would write him an email saying something like. "I am dropping these books off at (insert place) at (insert time), thought you should know if you want them back. Please dont contact me."

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