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It happened tonight. They are in a relationship 2 months after we broke up. Been dating all that time and I knew about it, don't know why I'm upset or making this thread but now its here. Its here, its real, and there is no kidding myself any more. She's moved on. High school sweethearts reunited, the perfect love story. Thankfully we haven't spoken in a week. I'm making this thread instead of removing her from fbook/writing an email/sending my congratulations/making myself look like a fool. Time for dignity. Silence is dignity.

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I mean doing it now seems stupid because they are together already and she is just going to think your being bitter.


BUT, know that you are doing it so you have to heal and get over it. In fact block her, because she doesn't need to actively be able to type in your name...even though she could just create another account.


She doesn't need to know what is going on in your life and you don't need to know what is going on in her life.

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Eh, strangely enough it isn't as bad as it could be. I know enough about him/their old sex life to never be jealous of him. Seeing them kiss won't bother me. I am happy that they wound up together. Its my pride that is hurt more than anything. I'm glad she waited two months. I'm pretty far along in the whole healing thing. Just minor setbacks now and again if that makes any sense. Makes me think of that one song by Tim Mcgraw, just to see you smile? I always thought the guy in that song was kind of a tool. Turns out I can relate. I know she's smiling. That will be good enough for me.

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i think everybody has their own method of dealing with a break up. some finds purging helps, others take the less drastic approach. whatever it is, if it works for you then it works for you. but if keeping her on facebook is causing you pain, you should remove it for your own sake.


it sucks when your ex goes back to their other ex. it's a bit of a kick in the face, more so than if they were with someone new. anyway, i know how you feel, i also know that the pain ends.. so know that you will feel better, even if it feels like hell right now.

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Chip, during the early stages of our relationship she explained what being with him physically was like. I know its petty and foolish to use something like that as a crutch, but I used it when I first found out about them. Sex isn't about sex for her though, if it were, we would be together. Its an emotional connection, one she lost with me. Who could honestly be mad at that?


I've had worse happen to me. I've walked in on a girl I was head over heels in love with sleeping with a guy I hated, I've been drug along like a toy for months by other girls. Those times make me feel better about this. I won't be removing her from fbook. I got to apologize to her for everything I did wrong after our breakup. I got to apologize for letting our relationship go via complacency. As much as I seemed to get closure from that conversation, perhaps she did as well

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My opinion


Being a man = Being responsible


Being responsible = Taking deep consideration for ones wellbeing


Taking deep consideration for ones wellbeing = Taking the necessary steps to have a better quality life with less discomfort


Taking the necessary steps to have a better quality life with less discomfort = Remove her from facebook.


It does not matter how you appear to others, you are doing what will be helping you in the end. If it seems childish to her, so be it. She is not in your shoes is she now.



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