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Why do i keep not wearing a gym hat!!?


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After 8 months of post break up celibacy I got together with a woman I have been friends with for years. There has always been some sparks between us. The sparks quickly became a forest fire a couple of weeks ago when we started dating. I like this woman we communicate well she has a great sense of humor seems to genuinely want for my happiness and I want the same for her.


So... we have had sex 2 3 times a night for hours at a time like nothing I have ever experienced. I have condoms at my place and I have left them at hers. I keep not using them! We have been using the highly ineffective pull out method instead. She actually was late this month we were both relieved when she got it. I have two kids the first conceived by way of the pull out method when I was 19. I don't want any more kids at least not any time soon. I have communicated with her about this and she says she thinks it would be too much right now to have a kid.


Prior to the last time we had sex we bought condoms together right size right texture etc. We used one and then didn't use them the rest of the night.

I'm not looking for a lecture on stds etc I know!


Does anyone have any advice on how to make using condoms more spontaneous in the middle of sex and ways not to forget to do it? I was joking that I should just wear one when I'm around her be it in the bedroom or out to dinner!

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ROFL never heard those called 'gym hats' before. Sorry that cracked me up when i figured it out.


As for remembering... wow i forget things i did this morning.


My best advice would be to keep them in your pocket or wallet and her the same. Ask her to keep reminding you and you try to remember.

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You are BOTH being extremely irresponsible, especially when you BOTH say you don't want children at this point, and you say you already have TWO children by using this "method". First thing to do is that SHE should immediately go on some other form of birth control, and you should make sure to use condoms at ALL times. If you can't be responsible, then expect to be the father to a THIRD child soon. Condoms are a lot cheaper than raising THREE children for the next 18 years.

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the stopping in the middle of foreplay and putting a condom on seems to take away from the excitement of the whole thing. I KNOW I SHOULD USE THEM AND WANT TO! please don't bludgeon me with lecturing moralistic who ha. I'm trying to figure out ways to make it easier and work better.

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get flavored condoms....someone close to me used the same methos as you do and he became a daddy last week...you're playing with fire...or maybe she can go on the pill? me and my bf don't use condoms either but i am on the pill......otherwise i'm sure you can put it on during foreplay and have her focus on something else for that minute.....or she can put it on you.....

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get flavored condoms....someone close to me used the same methos as you do and he became a daddy last week...you're playing with fire...or maybe she can go on the pill? me and my bf don't use condoms either but i am on the pill......otherwise i'm sure you can put it on during foreplay and have her focus on something else for that minute.....or she can put it on you.....


Reminds me of a photo i once found on the internet. Shows a girls lower belly, right above her knickers... that says ''DO NO F--- ME. I FORGOT MY PILL''. Was a classic.

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cognitive behavioural therapy...when you are getting hot and heavy, switch your mind to dirty diapers, lack of sleep due to a screaming infant rather than a moaning/screaming orgasmic lover, school supplies, temper tantrums, the sound of a cash register as your money flies out the window for the new child you have brought into the world, and the lack of all night sex as you will be spending all nighters caring for a new child. If you can switch your mind to that then it might kill the mood, but at least you won't be risking an unwanted pregnancy and all that goes with it.


I wouldn't say you are completely at fault here...I am not sure where her head is at either considering she has way more to lose than you do by being this reckless. I also have to wonder why you haven't learned a lesson from your mistake when you were 19.

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There comes a time in life when you have to recognize when things aren't working for you. CLEARLY the pull out method is not working for you and CLEARLY condoms aren't working for you. Why are you fighting it? Find another method of birth control.


Other forms of birth control include the patch, the pill, an IUD, etc. - and those are quite spontaneous.


Not all forms of birth control work for all people (especially when you don't use them). That's why they invented different kinds...

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