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Deep down I want her back!

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Break up, gf takes new man quickly, more so she has someone around than anything else. We still going to keep a solid friendship and our bond is strong enough to carry that out - trouble is I would get with her tomorrow - how do I keep a check on my feelings without spoiling our friendship? I love her immeasurably. Thoughts please

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You can't as long as you have feelings for her. Trying to be friends with her will not work. You are setting yourself up for a lot of heartache. Tell her you do not want to speak with her until you are completely healed. Go NC and once you get to a point you are healed, then decide if you want a friendship with her.


Just do a search on this site about friendship with the ex and you will get a lot of wisdom as to why this is a very bad idea.

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Break up, gf takes new man quickly, more so she has someone around than anything else. We still going to keep a solid friendship and our bond is strong enough to carry that out - trouble is I would get with her tomorrow - how do I keep a check on my feelings without spoiling our friendship? I love her immeasurably. Thoughts please


You can't be friends if you still have romantic feelings for her. It won't work.

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Here's a pro-tip: If your bond is as strong as you claim it is, then you'll be able to be the closest of friends years from now, when you have both healed. That sort of bond doesn't disappear. So give yourself time to heal. That bond won't be gone if its really there. Allowing yourself space is fine.

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