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well i pretty much had enough with my ex. first she sends me an accidental message. then she tells my friend to message her. i message her we talk then she ignores me. after she ignores me she deleted the pics of the joint account. and postes moving on. well she gos threw all the truble to talk to me then does this.well i delete all the pics that i have in my myspace and take her off my myspace and take the account of myspace. i send her an email saying that i felt used. her mom calls me four times . three threw her phone and once threw my ex gfs phone. she calls me four times in a row . by the way my ex is 23. well i dont answer the calls. i send a text just saying that im working. well today i went into myspace to get something out of there. she deleted the account. its been three months since the break up im done. in the email i did not tell her that i wanted her back i just told her it was wrong that she talked about me and i felt used. then i gave her the reasons why and left it at that. im tired of feeling hurt. i did not do anything wrong im moving on

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Good for you! You don't need this drama--it isn't healthy!


Seriously, her mother should also have better things to do than getting involved in her daughters childish myspace war...obviously the apple didn't fall far from the tree there!


I hope this brings you some peace & quiet

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I think you are looking for closure from your ex, which is why you keep contacting her. If you truly felt that you didn't need approval from your ex or her mum, you would have just ignored both of them, and stopped logging into your myspace and just forgotten about it. Your ex could/can only mess with your emotions if you let her. But if all she has to do is tell your friend to tell you to contact her, and that is all it takes for you two to get in touch, then of course you are setting yourself up to get hurt because you are showing that she doesn't need to make any effort to talk to you to reconcile, so then she knows that she's still got you wrapped around her finger, then you get your expectations up, and then you get hurt when she disappoints you. But she wouldn't be disappointing you if you didn't put yourself in those positions. It's just something to think about.

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"I've had enough" point is great, you can now "forget" and move on. After many tries of talking to my ex, trying to get back together, suffering alot i got to the point of enough!!

ofcourse its still painfull and probably it will never go away completely but im feeling better.

Doing NC and i think its working because i want NC for myself and not to get back with her...


If you can and feel ready go NC and put yourself on top!

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Good for you! You don't need this drama--it isn't healthy!


Seriously, her mother should also have better things to do than getting involved in her daughters childish myspace war...obviously the apple didn't fall far from the tree there!


I hope this brings you some peace & quiet


I ditto this. You hang in there ferna, you have been up and down with this gal and her childish behaviour, and quite scary behaviour. You'll be ok, just keep focusing on your healing and working on yourself with the gym, etc. It's hard, I know, but you don't deserve to keep being hurt by a girl who may be 23, but acts 13. Chin up and out, back bone straight, and keep the keeping on moving on.

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for everyone that has believed all of these lies, shame on you!!!!!!!! here is the real truth. Ben which is really Fernando last name here, he was welcomed in my home, paid for nothing & was treated with love and respect broke all of that when he betrayed my daughters trust. Fernando became very controlling, he actually became very upset when my daughter would not make him mashed potatoes for dinner. Fernando started calling her all kinds of names wanted to sleep in her bed every night and actually got mad when my husband and I said we didnt want that to happen. People break up alll the time and it is never one sided, you Fernado need to get over this and move on. You want to act like such a man on the computer but dont have a license, still live at home and want to blame your dad for all your problems. Another thing, if you want to talk about me do it to my face, I am 41 years old and getting real tired of this. My daughter has changed for the better, she is not living with a stepmother that hates her and has her freedom now. Thank you for your time and believe this, i am praying for all of you that have been getting sucked in to this crap!!!!!!

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If she is 41 years old, she needs to act like it and get a life. Don't even play into it. Don't give her anymore reason to stay stuck on you. Be the more mature person here and respond with nothing - a dignified silence. If you respond then you are just as much to blame for keeping it going.

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If she is 41 years old, she needs to act like it and get a life. Don't even play into it. Don't give her anymore reason to stay stuck on you. Be the more mature person here and respond with nothing - a dignified silence. If you respond then you are just as much to blame for keeping it going.


I'm taking it it was her Mom that just posted that, and not him? Only because she got into his yahoo account, and he didn't post 'this is what she said, and then followed with it."

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it was her mom who posted an answer from my ex gfs yahoo account.this si honestly so dumb. the lady is 41.i got mad when i was told i couldnt sleep with my ex on her bed? are you serios? it was the other way around. my ex got mad because her stepdad said it botherd her. all kinds of names? umm what r all kinds of names?honestly. its never one sided so why r u paying attention to your daighters sde only and not see every side?

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to be honest at this point im just smiling. because its just dumb how her mom who is 41 got in the middle of this. when her daughter is 23 and most of that stuff is crap. it did not even hurt me. just made me look at how imature both of them are

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to be honest at this point im just smiling. because its just dumb how her mom who is 41 got in the middle of this. when her daughter is 23 and most of that stuff is crap. it did not even hurt me. just made me look at how imature both of them are


In all fairness, it's what mom's do. Our primal instinct is to protect our young. Not that what she did was right, she may not even know the whole story. She's only getting what her daughter tells her. I remember sticking up for my daughter once only to find out that she didn't even give me a fraction of the truth. I felt like an ass.

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yeah my ex told her how bad i was when she was the one freaken asking me to sleep with her. we did not have sex ot anything. she got mad when her dad told her that it botherd him that we slept togehte.r she would follow me to bed and get under the covers. at first i told her no because i did not want her to get intrube since i said i respected her moms house. the mashed potatos ok i understand my bad but she got pissed of about twenty dollars.my ex was actualy the one who guilted me into sex.she would get mad if i girnored her. now im defenatly glad shes gone

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omg they called agian .this time from my ex gfs phone i did not answer. then right after they called private. seriolsy why wont they grow up?


They obviously want to make your blood boil, and it's working. Listen to what everyone is telling you: Ignore their petty games and ignore them. By ignoring them, you are showing how strong you have become since the break up. Don't let them mess with your mind, if you let them, they will continue to do so. Be better than that.

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They obviously want to make your blood boil, and it's working. Listen to what everyone is telling you: Ignore their petty games and ignore them. By ignoring them, you are showing how strong you have become since the break up. Don't let them mess with your mind, if you let them, they will continue to do so. Be better than that.


Exactly ^^^. I know this is killing you inside ferna, that you're being portrayed as someone you're not, and that hurts. But I think where it lies is that it's not them you're worried about, it's what they're saying. Try to separate the two, and realize you're fighting a fight that no one comes out a winner. Be bigger and better than this or them, and walk away. It takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight, than it does to fight. If you're ticked, do what you're doing and come here and vent. But you need to stop engaging them, or this, whenever they say something or do something to you. You did the right thing by notifying Yahoo, and continue to do that if they continue on. But I think the curtains are being closed, and I think too she's trying to move on and put this behind her. So you keep doing the same.

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