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I cant take it anymore!

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I have not been able to get proper sleep for quite a long time honestly its making me very angry. I don't think I should go to work I am very angry and might lash out at someone. I have tried everything Melatonin...PowerFull...Tylenol PM...Advil PM....Benadryll. It doesnt matter what time I try to sleep it doesn't make a difference.


And today I had to sleep downstairs and my idiot of a father woke me up at around 5 AM when I didnt have to be up till 7. What sort of nonsense is this? He didn't have to make so much goddamn noise. I honestly feel like killing him....

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Wow! Easy on the killing thing.


I take Nyquil and watch some boring tv and before you know it ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.


The Nyquil makes me drowsy and the boring tv show occupies my mind so which lets me stop thinking about stuff and I am out.



LOL sorry in the mornings I can be a beast if awakened especially if I am sleep deprived!


Will I build a dependency on NyQuil or do any damage to my body?

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What I do is make sure that within 2 hours of bed time I am not on the computer, I have a small snack about a half hour before bed -like half a cup of whole grain cereal - I use lavender lotion before I go to sleep and I use an eye mask to shut out light. I have specific but simple rituals right before bed - to get in the mindset of "time to sleep" - I also have to think about either nothing or only things I am grateful for -often nothing deep -it can be "ripe avocado" or "this comfortable bed". I make sure the room is cool enough and airy enough. I had to re-learn how to sleep ok after I became a mother and it took me the better part of a year or more. I was never a great sleeper but the sleep deprivation from caring for a newborn and then the new mom anxiety during the night did a number on me.


And if your father makes too much noise -earplugs or start looking for your own place.

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I don't use Nyquil all the time just when I am so tired I can't sleep or need to get some sleep at a strange time because I have to be up in the middle of the night for work or a trip. I wouldn't use it as a daily fix.


There is something in your life that is keeping you from the sleep you need and you need to figure that out for the long term.



Dang girl I never knew you were so high maintantance.



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