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We corresponded several times. He gives me "hope" but doesn't put any effort

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So it's almost the 50 days after our break up. Since then I was keeping NC. There were several times of LC when I wrote him some short and nice letters to show him that I'm ok and I forgave him for dumping me (about 2 letters in 2 months and several replies to his reply). Then there was a small flirt sent to him by SMS. Unfortunatelly when he said "I often think of you" - I replied "I also miss you". Then he wished me sweet dreams, made a kiss symbol and from then silence continues.


My problem is that I feel like I'm the only 1 who's trying to do something for these relations to revive. He mostly replies when I write him. In the last letter he mentioned 3 times that he wants me to visit him to talk and that I shouldn't be afraid of this upcoming talk (it's LDR, but he didn't suggested to visit me), he wrote me that he hates my pessimism and can't understand why I don't fight for him (well I try not to look desperate, but confident more and why doesn't he fight for me?) and also he wrote that if I would be next to him, he would kiss me passionately (but didn't write he missed me).


I was writing to him because I was afraid that if I didn't, he might think that I really did not care. But he doesn't write me himself first and I returned to NC. What do you think - why he only replies by mentioning some kind of "hope" but doesn't write himself first and doesn't put any effort to get me back first? I'm not putting too much effort either, because I told him "I won't be your friend, so if you ever want to re-think our relationship, you know all the ways how to contact me". He doesn't talk about relationship at all. Is it just for possibility of sex or just flirting and playing?

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I am going through this myself and no matter how hard it is..... You have to say to yourself..... If they really want you, nothing will stop them from contacting you.


My ex is also just being "polite", whilst my heart hangs on his every word with hope, my mind knows that I am doing all the work and it is pointless.

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