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I feel angry and peple continue to piss me off

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So im typing this and im annoyed. I work as a receptionist for my dad's law firm. Ive worked here for 3 years now. Im 25 years old. I am genuinly nice to all clients that come here and they are nice to me. But theres one male client who is getting a divorce from his wife annoys the hell out of me. He is really embarrassing and keeps saying he wants to marry me when i told him i have a bf. He said my relationship wont last and that he can take care of me. Now this client knows that im his lawyer's daughter but he just shakes the feeling off. He comes in here and puts his hand out as if to shake mine but i decline. Even if there are other clients waiting seated to see my dad,he will continue to embarrass me and let everybody know that he likes me and wants to marry me. He says he has lots of money and he will give me everything i want. Its so annoying coz every time he comes here ,i just cant wait for him to leave. I havent told my dad about him yet since hes a client. But i feel like a loser sitting here and sometimes he will stare at me the whole time making me feel very uncomfortable. And every time before he leaves he will say give me a kiss before i go, and i ignore him but people will see that and think i have something going on with that man. I really dread everytime he comes to see my dad. Its very rude and unprofessional especially when other clients are sitting there and sometimes i have family members who come in to see my dad,so if they only happen to come when hes here then my life is ruined. Please help me on what to do in this situation...I am in no way interested in any old man and I dont even dress revealing at work.

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Tell him that you have professional standards in the office and kissing, flirting, & hugging aren't allowed...try to do it discretely, so he isn't embarrassed, and tell him you know it's just his nature to be touchy & joke around--and you don't wish to make him uncomfortable--but being the boss's daughter you feel you should set an example to the others who work in the office.


You may want to tell your father before--just in case he mentions this convo to your dad.

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Why haven't you told your father? He's meant to be an advisor in your life, right? Is he the type to blow up or act irrationally when men flirt with you? Do you think he'll blame you? Because as an experienced man, he should know that some men are hound dogs that won't stop flirting no matter what the woman says or does. When I was just 16 working at a baseball stadium, 40 year old coworkers use to hit on me non stop. Very inappropriate and I never encouraged it, but being a young woman was enough of a green light for them.


Also, I'm unsure why your life would be ruined if somebody in your family saw a man flirting with you. It's not your fault that he flirts with you and it doesn't matter what you are wearing. Have you been blamed for men's action's before?

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Why haven't you told your father? He's meant to be an advisor in your life, right? Is he the type to blow up or act irrationally when men flirt with you? Do you think he'll blame you? Because as an experienced man, he should know that some men are hound dogs that won't stop flirting no matter what the woman says or does. When I was just 16 working at a baseball stadium, 40 year old coworkers use to hit on me non stop. Very inappropriate and I never encouraged it, but being a young woman was enough of a green light for them.


Also, I'm unsure why your life would be ruined if somebody in your family saw a man flirting with you. It's not your fault that he flirts with you and it doesn't matter what you are wearing. Have you been blamed for men's action's before?


I dont know how to tell my dad because this man is his client.My dad is not an easy person to speak to, i hardly speak to my dad except when it comes to work.

My family are big gossips,so if they see an old man flirting with me they would go home and chat about it over tea...


I just feel so uncomfortable and taken advantage of. Ive told the man numerous times that I have a bf and that Im not interested in him at all but he continues to flirt and make it seem like Im interested.

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