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Could this be a stalker or what??


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From March my mum noticed a red rose in our backyard on a flat stone,placed very neatly. Just a long stem red rose,no card, no nothing. We assumed maybe it was our neighbors,since she and her bf get into arguments and maybe she threw it over. We dont talk to these neighbors coz they are jealous of us. So we keep away. We ignored the rose.


Then April came and another rose was found on the same spot but this time a different colour rose, a yellow rose. Now my parents think maybe its a sign from God and maybe God left it there but i think maybe some jealous neighbor is doing witchcraft for my family or someone in my family. This pissed me off coz if God wanted to place a rose then why couldnt he do it inside my home. One more thing,my parents have this black guy working for us and he stays in a shed near where the rose had been placed, my parents asked him whether he put the rose there and he said no he didnt and he thought my mum placed it there. So if he is telling the truth then i wonder who could be putting the rose there.


So after that incident we kind of forgot about the rose story,now its May and yesterday my mum found yet another rose placed on the same exact spot as before but this time the rose is a pink colour. Now I am concerned because very early in the morning i heard footsteps coming from outside the back yard, i listened and then the footsteps started running fast and the dogs started barking. So there is someone leaving a rose and running away every month now. Its strange and Id like to find out who this person is and why are they doing this. I do not have any secret admirers neither does my sister, we dont go meeting random guy and we pretty much keep to ourselves, we dont even speak to neighbors so i have no clue what on earth is going on. I only can figure out that maybe its witchcraft or maybe it has something to do with this worker boy who is staying with us,what do u think? How can we find this person? Neither one of us has touched the rose..it just ends up drying up there until the next one arrives...?


Another thing is I have been getting very sick lately,last week i was bedridden with the flu and stomach pain. I dont know if someones witchcraft is actually working..I dont want to believe its witchcraft but this is so weird and scary even coz its happening every month now and my parents are taking it as a sign from God

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Jaydedgirl, being that you're easy on the eyes, I can see how you might think it's a stalker.


I love a good mystery.


If it's a stalker, they're clueless about roses. Yellow roses are suppose to indicate friendship. Red roses are for romance. I forget what pink roses are for. So, the fact that it's a different color each time is kind of a clue.


I would first rule out a kind neighbor who likes to grow all types of roses. Have you checked out your neighbors' yards for red, pink,and yellow roses? That's the first thing I would do. Gardeners love early morning for gardening and running might be to avoid waking your family up from the dogs.


I don't know of any witchcraft involving roses. Then again, I'm not an expert on that sort of thing.

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Jaydedgirl, being that you're easy on the eyes, I can see how you might think it's a stalker.


I love a good mystery.


If it's a stalker, they're clueless about roses. Yellow roses are suppose to indicate friendship. Red roses are for romance. I forget what pink roses are for. So, the fact that it's a different color each time is kind of a clue.


I would first rule out a kind neighbor who likes to grow all types of roses. Have you checked out your neighbors' yards for red, pink,and yellow roses? That's the first thing I would do. Gardeners love early morning for gardening and running might be to avoid waking your family up from the dogs.


I don't know of any witchcraft involving roses. Then again, I'm not an expert on that sort of thing.


We checked with our next door neighbors,they dont have roses. And another thing why would any gardener be running in our backyard in darkness..so its something else going one...

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If you genuinely believe in witchcraft, then go to some voodoo queen and get a counter spell to ward it off.


But honestly, i think you are overreacting... it could be so many things... someone may have a crush on you or someone else in the household and thinks it is a romantic gesture to leave a rose now and again. Or some local kids could be messing with your mind for kicks. Or perhaps someone was inspired by a church sermon to do an act of anonymous kindness that spreads joy and mercy every day, and chooses leaving a rose on someone's doorstep as that act of kindness.


Regardless, leaving a rose is a harmless gesture so i'd just forget about it. No laws broken there. If you start getting hang up phone calls or someone approaches you in a threatening manner you could consider it stalking, but since you don't even know who is doing it and a rose is not a symbol of harm, just let it go.

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Hmm trespassing on someone else's property is against the law!! We have all our gates locked at night and so which means this person is jumping over the walls just to get in and place a rose.?? And im 100 percent sure we dont have a bunch of kids around trying to play pranks on us half 3 in the morning!

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This is the reason why romance is dead nowadays, everybody freaks out, don't start to mess with your mind thinking about god or witches, i think is just a nice gesture from somebody.


Its not a nice gesture when somebody trespasses in your yard at 3am!

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NO it isnt my mum doesnt have a secret admirer..anyway why would u even think that???


No offense meant. It was just a light-hearted suggestion that older women could attract admirers as well. Obviously, this situation is getting to you; it's hard to work out the intent of this person. But if you're really concerned, you could contact the police if it continues.

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