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Time to Get Up off Your Toosh! What are You Doing to Look and Feel Fantastic??

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Despite having some sadness and crying yesterday, I'm feeling determined to pick myself up, dust myself off, and get on with my life.


My self-confidence has taken a bit of a battering. Whilst I know beauty comes from within, and the best thing I can do for my appearance is NC, I've started doing other practical things to look and feel better. I had been crying daily - quite a lot - for maybe 7 weeks so my eyes haven't looked great.


I am one of those women who mostly takes pride in my appearance. This is not about trying to get my ex back, though I will say that knowing he is seeing a younger woman who works in the beauty business, who has a strong physical resemblance, does make me not want to lie down and let myself completely go.


I've started walking and eating again, and when I get back home from my mother's I'll take up some type of regular exercise program. I've kept my hair looking quite good, and managed to lose a fair amount of weight from not eating. I don't want to put that weight back on now as I do look slim and okay so I'm going to make sure I eat healthy food in appropriate portions.


Yesterday, I bought this book yesterday called "How Not to Look Old - Look 10 years younger, 10 pounds lighter, 10 times better." It's got some great suggestions and photos. I'm not planning on blowing too much money on products, but it does give some good advice on what can make a woman look like a little old lady from trying too hard, and what can also take some years off a woman's appearance.


Okay, first thing I did was cut some bangs and I've got just a little regrowth to touch up tonight. She recommended a product which I was able to buy from the supermarket for around $10 so hopefully tonight, my sister and I will touch up each others hair. I also recently got a great deal on hair care products made from Argan (Morroccan Oil), and it's the best product I've used.


She also gives lots of makeup do's and don'ts. Got 2 pictures of Sharon Stone, one with dark lipstick, the other with much more natural makeup. OMG, she looks decades younger. Same with other women with longer, straighter lighter hair. What a difference.


Any other women (or men) made some sort of phsycial change which has made a big difference to their appearance and helped with confidence? Love to hear.

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I started working out for at least 1 hour a day for 6 days a week, so far lost 9 lb (~4.5 KG) in 1 month and gained some muscle, goal is back to my peak shape like I had 2 years ago (I was lazy in relationship and did not work out as much). Call it vain but looking good and fit is a good confidence booster

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I do Bodypump classes three times a week and walk on the treadmill. I used to be pear-shaped and now have the upper thighs and butt I've always wanted. The endorphin rush you get from exercise is great and it's a good way to feel in control of your life.

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I've started running in the mornings... about half an hour around the park near my place. I've never been really into exercising, but I found a few weeks ago this was something I actually NEEDED to do just for my mood. I was feeling so tired and lazy and sad in the mornings and just not wanting to get out of bed. Now I get the blood pumping and the endorphins going and its much easier to start the day.


Its heading for winter in Sydney and starting to get cold but I just go out there in a t-shirt and shorts and let the exercise warm me up, it's very invigorating. Plus its very beautiful in the mornings at the moment, crisp and blue skies, so that's good for my mood as well.

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Winter recently ended where I am and my cardio has really taken a dive. Partly due to winter (mostly just treadmill inside; yawn!), but also the 'relationship'. I've always maintained healthy eating habits and weight training at the gym, whether in a relationship or not, so that has always helped.


What I have decided this time around however is that I want to be in much better cardio shape than I have in the past, and I'm going to do this in a group setting rather than alone. I might do the same with my weight training. This way I'll be forced to push myself more and I'll get to meet new people in the process, with whom I'll share a common interest (outdoors active types). Just yesterday in fact I added this to a short list of immediate goals of mine, something I want to get started on ASAP. I'm going to research clubs and programs this week.


Although I'd swap all of the above for a trip to Australia for a few weeks!

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You are right I do need to get off my toosh. I haven't been able to work out since the break up. I'll give myself a few more days of feeling sorry for myself then I'll start forcing workouts.


Breakups can be so mentally and physically draining. Your body deserves a break for a short time just to process and evaluate everything going on. Try not to be too hard on yourself in the early stages; save that for your workouts later on!

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I've always been heavily involved in bodybuilding so I'm fine on the looking fit part. I've lost 10 lbs since the breakup but that has only leaned me out quicker (in time for summer here). I'm jogging more for the stress release and to shed any water retention, which is key to looking fit as it enhances vascularity. Getting a nice little base tan does WONDERS as well. I'll be getting my hair cut tomorrow.


I find women who get their nails done (acrylics or whatever it is called) look more youthful, so maybe that's something you may want to consider.

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Although I'd swap all of the above for a trip to Australia for a few weeks!


Why not? Travelling is an awesome thing to do after a breakup.


I'm going to Europe for a month in June. Can't wait! I reckon when I get back I will have forgotten all about this bottom feeder I've been so sad over

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Although I'd swap all of the above for a trip to Australia for a few weeks!


Why not? Travelling is an awesome thing to do after a breakup.


I'm going to Europe for a month in June. Can't wait! I reckon when I get back I will have forgotten all about this bottom feeder I've been so sad over


I could always house-sit for you when you're in Europe. And if you have any pets and plants, well I'll take care of those too. And your garden. For free of course. So when you return, not only will you be over your sadness of the bottom feeder, you'll come home to a clean house too!

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Oh Wo, you guys are all so into fitness, you put me to shame! Oh yes, most travel would be good. Hey Bad, not sure why I didn't notice sooner you are from Oz. I live outside of Melbourne in the Yarra Valley.


Hmm, about the nails . . . they just wouldn't work for me - work and horses and animals and such, but I have given myself a manicure.


Thinking more and more that Latin dance exercise will be the way to go for me. This morning, I walked down to the shops and discovered there is a skating rink close by so I went and inquired. Unfortunately, it isn't open to the public except for weekends. Years ago, I used to go to a women's figure skating class (roller not ice) and had lessons. I thought I was pretty much over all of that. I did used to really enjoy going to practice on my own week day mornings. There's just nothing like having a whole skating rink to yourself. I envy the Canadians with all your ice-skating. Obviously, it isn't so big here due to the weather, but trying to imagine what it must be like to just be able to have a private skate on a frozen lake. I'm sure I wouldn't have forgotten how to skate although I would need lost of practice to be comfortable at it again. I've been telling myself for years that I'm too old for all of that now. Maybe I will change my mind.


Last night, I saw Eat, Pray, Love and as my younger sister on holiday in Bali as I write and posting pics on Facebook, I've decided I WILL go to Bali in a couple of months time.


I'm still having some sadness and crying, but at least now I am also spending parts of my day in an improved state and thinking towards the future. Same as you BadHabits, I don't always feel good, but I'm now believing that in time, I will be over this person and actually be happy again one day.


Another thing I am inspired to do from this book is seek out a new expert hair stylist and also an expert hair colorist. I'm also going to get a make-up makeover, changing some of the make-up colors and techniques I've been using and updating.


Another book I did see was "How to Look Good Naked" which I'd be interested in taking a look at too.

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I should be doing something, but I'm not really going to the gym or doing anything to improve my looks or body as much as the other posters here--but what I am doing is smiling a lot, being really good to other people, and that really makes me feel really good I also bought this really cool conditioner for my hair, and it's all shiny and feels soft

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I should be doing something, but I'm not really going to the gym or doing anything to improve my looks or body as much as the other posters here--but what I am doing is smiling a lot, being really good to other people, and that really makes me feel really good I also bought this really cool conditioner for my hair, and it's all shiny and feels soft


Hey that's good!

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Good for you LovedHim. Do what makes YOU feel good. For some it's working out, staying in or getting into shape. Or travel, or whatever. I think that all-in-all it's the attitude you choose to take that's important, and no better attitude than a positive one! Others will see this in you too and that makes you more attractive in an instant.


Silverbirch - I saw Eat, Pray, Love (no such thing as a 'chick-flick in my book!). A very fitting film for these forums. Glad you've decided to take a trip to Bali!

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Nice film! Bali is very cheap atm. Went to my sisters tonight and saw family. One side of my family is Italian, and I am hoping to have enough cash by September 2012 to go to Italy for at least a couple of weeks. Been looking at language classes too. Lots to check out and think about before over-commiting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, last night I spent some time with friends and one of them brought along paints and art paper and we started mandala painting which was very enjoyable and therapeutic.


On Tuesday, I went to my first Latin Dance Aerobic class which I liked, and going again next week. I've found a nice little shop I like where I have bought a few little gifts for friends, and for myself, and bought some lovely, but not pricey jewellry. I am now able to eat a lot better which is making a big difference.


Been cleaning through my home, especially my wardrobe and uncluttering so I'm wearing some nice things I had forgotten about.


Definitely getting about visiting friends and doing things is making a difference. Today, I drive out to a 1,000 acre farm in the country to visit a friend and her horses. Hopefully, this weekend, I will give my own horses some much welcomed attention and am taking a friend out tomorrow.


A friend at work has told me how he does his personal budgeting with spreadsheets and is going to show me how. Over the next couple of months, I'll put some energies into my career, likely apply to work in government where the money is much better and there are far more career opportunities.

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I read "Principles of Microeconomics" 5 pages a day, trying to learn some basic economic knowledge, it somehow helps people to make life decisions.

I learn to play piano, it's just been 3 months, but my learning speed is "quite fast" according to my instructor. Sigh, only if I had a piano at home, I'd be able to practice more and do even a better job.

There're three I talked online told me that I'm insightful on various issues and is a very good girl. I feel better by this, after being dumped like nothing, my self-esteem had been quite low.

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I finally quit drinking! Been sober for 9 days! After about 4 months of solid drinking I realized I am wasting my time! You can't drown someones memory away! Not for lack of trying! I hope to stay like this and not end up trying to booze the pain away again! I've been getting out more and I'm trying to get back up on exercising!

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I read "Principles of Microeconomics" 5 pages a day, trying to learn some basic economic knowledge, it somehow helps people to make life decisions.

I learn to play piano, it's just been 3 months, but my learning speed is "quite fast" according to my instructor. Sigh, only if I had a piano at home, I'd be able to practice more and do even a better job.

There're three I talked online told me that I'm insightful on various issues and is a very good girl. I feel better by this, after being dumped like nothing, my self-esteem had been quite low.


Hey, good for you Lea! I had problems reading but that's settling now. Good to hear about the piano. We have some websites here, one is called freecycle and another is gumtree where you can get free things. I know I have seen old pianos on one of those sites for free. It would be the removalist which would be the greater cost. Yes, being dumped has definitely affected my self-esteem too, but now it is just starting to improve again I think.

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I finally quit drinking! Been sober for 9 days! After about 4 months of solid drinking I realized I am wasting my time! You can't drown someones memory away! Not for lack of trying! I hope to stay like this and not end up trying to booze the pain away again! I've been getting out more and I'm trying to get back up on exercising!


Cpmgratulations Bcom!


I went out to my friends today and got to ride her beautiful horse, Mac, bareback. I hadn't riden for a long time. Just had a slow ride as Mac has not been under work for some time and a little frisky. He is very affectionate and loves having his nose tickled. Friend took some photos of us so I'm going to try and get some happy times with photos to go with them. Had a little crying in the car, but overall improving.

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