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STD Check


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I need to get checked out and I want piece of mind because I had unprotected sex. I found a site that offers all these different tests...


I was looking at the 8 test panel...

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I have insurance but I don't want my parents to find out. Will insurance cover the costs?

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Most insurances usually cover STD testing but your parents may find out if it is their insurance you are using- especially if you are under 18. The doctors will keep all of your information confidential but the issue is that your parents can easily see information about the claims that were filed with the insurance company. Most insurance companies will send copies of paid claims in the mail or electronically to the owner of the insurance policy.


If you want confidentiality your best bet is to go to a Planned Parenthood clinic and say you don't have insurance. They can provide free or low cost testing based on your situation.

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It's good that you want to get tested, but the incidence of STDs in the United States is very low, if that gives you any peace of mind.


Where are you getting that info? That is not true. STD's are a major public health concern in the U.S. HPV alone is estimated to be at 50-80% of sexually active adults.


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Where are you getting that info? That is not true. STD's are a major public health concern in the U.S. HPV alone is estimated to be at 50-80% of sexually active adults.


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I suppose I should say that I believe HPV is not a major health concern, and that's why I don't count it. I know there's chatter about how it's linked to cervical cancer, and that is undeniable, but I seem to recall that cervical is link removed 12,000 cases a year, as cited in this article, barely even registers. In fact, it's been going down over the past few decades. Something like three times as many people die in car wrecks per year; I doubt that correlates to the number of adults having sex. HPV exists, and is an issue, but it's not the bugaboo that many make it out to be. Same with Herpes.


And, if I'm not mistaken, condoms, and virtually every contraceptive, don't really work against HPV. Saying you want to avoid HPV is like saying you want to avoid having sex period.


But anyway.... The people talking about Planned Parenthood have given better advice, and I'll stop here....

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Gonna agree with Fudgie.


Not wanting to take the thread too off-topic either, but it's important in my opinion not to be complacent about STD's. Cancer of the cervix doesn't kill as often as it once did with more timely intervention, but it will cause women to go through painful and invasive procedures. I'm not gonna laugh off cancer just because it doesn't kill me. I know a few young women who have had abnormal pap smears and it's very frightening and in cases has led to parts of the cervix being removed. That's serious stuff.


Men can also (more rarely) get penile, anal and throat cancer from HPV (it is also spread orally). Does that sound like something you'd like your doctor to tell you you have?


It's epidemic, and that's irrefutable.


But you're right, condoms only offer limited protection against the risk of HPV. The more partners you have, and the more partners who have had more partners you have, the higher the probabilities are that you will get it even with a condom (even though you can get it from a one-time event).


I think it's important for people to know that their life isn't over if they contract an STD, but it's far, far better to exercise preventative caution and take all measures possible to reduce the chances of this happening to avoid potential serious and life-altering consequences. Part of that is not treating the subject in a cavalier manner. It's not just "chatter" for the women friends I've had whose daughters underwent harrowing procedures.


But yeah, stepping out now...I think the OP has the input she needs.

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Definitely go to Planned Parenthood. Your parents will get a statement showing a visit, and perhaps a detailed bill if insurance doesn't completely cover it.


To clarify- since I can't edit- If you go to your doctor or use their insurance, then they will get a statement. If you ask, PP shouldn't send anything to your home.

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Planned Parenthood is your best bet. They are there for people like you, esp young people who need to get tested but are afraid of the parents finding out.


I'm glad they are there.

If you have something do they help with treatment or must I go through insurance at that point.

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Also just a few minutes ago I had a discharge that looked identical to precum clear yet slightly white just like cum. Should I be scared?


I would assume that's normal discharge?


Again, it's probably best just to get tested to be sure.

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If you have something do they help with treatment or must I go through insurance at that point.


Just tell them you have NO insurance. If you absolutely don't want your parents to know that is the only way to go about it. Trust me on this one- I went there myself as a teenager to secretly obtaining birth control pills.I never put it through my insurance because I didn't want my parents to know.


I just took a client there who needed STD testing and they gave her the testing for free since she is low income and uninsured. When they did a urine test they found she had Chlamydia and they gave her antibiotics- free pregnancy testing is available too.


They will treat you if they find you have an STD.

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Yes, judging by the start of your thread...it's been over a week. They should be able to tell you the major stuff, esp if they do a blood test on you. I would ask for that.


HIV is the one that you have to wait 6 months before you get tested for it.

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