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How much do you think about your ex and how long has it been?

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We were together since 2008.

Break-up in June.

NC-1 month.I moved overseas so pretty much that's it.

He broke NC numerous times.Did the begging and asking for understanding.Then he messed up again.


I think about him all the time,I am not going to lie but I also know that he's my Nemesis. He brings no good in my life,I just miss the potential we had,the whole marriage experience..


I don't cry.I have accepted the fact that we were not for each other and his issues were larger than life.

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It's been 16?? months. Sth like that? I still think about him everyday. Not as persistently... Of course, but he's still on my mind daily.

I honestly really loved him alot.


I usually get over breakups and people pretty fast...ie in less than a month so =/ sucks this time how long it's taking to put everything in the past. I'm over him though. He was the only guy I ever fell in love with.

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Been almost 4 months for me. I still think about her often, almost daily. So it's getting better. I started off spending most of the day thinking of her or being reminded of her. Mostly its songs that we both liked, seeing cars like hers, things that we shared, dreams..that kind of stuff is what reminds me of her. I don't really worry/wonder what she's up to anymore, so it's a lot better thank God. But I don't think I'll ever get to a point where I'm not reminded of something about her, I've just accepted that.

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its been 1.5 weeks and he's constantly on my mind and in my dreams.

but i gave up. i stopped trying. i accept that its over because i know he is just as stubborn and strong willed as i am. only difference is i am on a girl on a timeline.

in my head it is over. i just repeat this thought when i feel weak.

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10 weeks after the BU of a 14 month relationship. I don't think of *him* all that much now, and the happy memories that were crushing me for the first 8 weeks or so are more or less gone. But I still think a lot about what's happened and how sad and angry I am about the situation, and whether we will ever be friends (or more?) again. I'm certainly past pining after him now, only just though. I still love him just the same, although I'm pretty angry about the way he dumped me and now wants to be just friends, especially when he knows how I feel about him. And I'm angry that he didn't give us the chance to work things out.

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