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Birth control and plan B

im rly mad

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So me and my gf have been sexually active for about a month now... she's been on the pill and VERY good about it (and yes she takes it at the same time every day).


We've had sex a few times without a condom, but I've always pulled out... today though she held on to me and I didn't pull out. I am kind of worried cause I know BC is only a 99% chance or whatever it is... so I'm considering buying Plan B. Should I avoid doing this? She really doesn't want to take it, but she said she would if I wanted her to. Is it worth it?

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As long as she is taking the BC like she should, hasn't skipped any pills in the last few weeks, and hasn't been on any antibiotics which can cancel out BC, she should be fine. That said, you can get it to ease your mind but know it does have some serious side effects for some women. Know though that just because you pull out doesn't mean sperm doesn't leak out, there is sperm in pre cum and pre cum comes out at any point during sex.

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OG is right- if she hasn't missed any pills and hasn't been ill (not just on antibiotics but vomiting and upset tummy too) then she will be protected by the pill! She doesn't want to be bombarding her body with strong doses of hormones if she doesn't have too! It can make you really sick and mess up your cycle for months.


I would suggest that if you have made the decision to use condoms as well as the pill then you stick to it- that way you both taKe responsibility for contraception!

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There is really no need to take Plan B in this situation. If she is taking the pill as she should and has no been exposed to anything that would interfere with it, she shouldn't get pregnant. If you are really worried and want added piece of mind, without havign to use condoms, you can use a 2nd backup method without having to pull out. Consider using spermicide. It is available in many forms. The "Film" is probably the least messy and least noticible. See link removed


My husband and I are a very fertile combination-(got pregnant right away when we were trying) but before that I was on the pill for 10+ years and we didn't use any other backup method. We never had a pregnancy scare.


Plan B would really be overkill in your situation and would really create a spike in hormones that she doesn't need if she is already on the pill. It's really meant to be used if a condom breaks or people made really foolish decisions the night before and use nothing when the woman is not on the pill.

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So me and my gf have been sexually active for about a month now... she's been on the pill and VERY good about it (and yes she takes it at the same time every day).


We've had sex a few times without a condom, but I've always pulled out... today though she held on to me and I didn't pull out. I am kind of worried cause I know BC is only a 99% chance or whatever it is... so I'm considering buying Plan B. Should I avoid doing this? She really doesn't want to take it, but she said she would if I wanted her to. Is it worth it?


There is no need for her to take plan B. That would be a huge amount of hormones for her to take and would shock her poor system. If she takes her birth control pill as needed, then do not ask her to take Plan B. You can really mess up her hormone levels if you do that.

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Do not take plan B. It's not warranted.


99% is how reliable the pill is for a couple having sex with no other form of birth control for a year. So if you assumed it was all random chance, your odds are less than 0.01% for doing it just once. In practice, hormonal birth control only fails when there's a reason, like taking antibiotics or missing a pill. Most couples using the pill don't pull out, don't use condoms, and don't get pregnant either.

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