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Why can't I be chosen!?


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So, the guy I have posted about liking came back to work today and he didn't speak or even look at me. I thought he liked me, but he was just a big flirt I guess : (


SO, I am a happy person. I smile, I am comfortable and love who I am! Why can't I find a man! I am a 22 year old virgin and no guy likes me! WHY???

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So, the guy I have posted about liking came back to work today and he didn't speak or even look at me. I thought he liked me, but he was just a big flirt I guess : (


SO, I am a happy person. I smile, I am comfortable and love who I am! Why can't I find a man! I am a 22 year old virgin and no guy likes me! WHY???


Men are stupid. They know nothing about courting or wooing a lady. All they hope is that once they've 'court' a woman, they can get with her and go 'WOO'.

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...probably because you're giving off all caps energy with an emoticon-heavy aura.


chill. breathe. smile. live. life and love will happen.


Don't really get the first part...and the second part, is something I do act.

Like myself...cool yet confident.

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My goodness, if all men wanted was to "Woo" there would be no marriages! Most men want love just like we do, but they get to that point later. A man of 22 is most generally (not always) not looking for a wife, he wants to have fun. Once they get in their late twenties, they fall in love harder than most women do. At least this has been my experience.

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My goodness, if all men wanted was to "Woo" there would be no marriages! Most men want love just like we do, but they get to that point later. A man of 22 is most generally (not always) not looking for a wife, he wants to have fun. Once they get in their late twenties, they fall in love harder than most women do. At least this has been my experience.


Yeah, I believe this. The guy I like is 29, but I guess he isn't into me! Oh well. God Bless the broken road...

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