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Have you found any successful anti-worry strats?

im rly mad

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I have been trying really hard to not be such a nervous wreck about stuff... I can make myself seem like a calm person, but realistically I am always worrying about stuff; and a lot of the time its just super irrational.


I've read and practiced things in How to Stop Worrying, been to a therapist and went over some possible solutions, but I feel like it is some inherent thing I got from my mom (who is always super on edge about everything).


Its really a bummer, I'm in college without a determined path and I want to just enjoy it, I have a hard time living in the now and I'm just worried about the future all the time.


I have a dog, and I'm always stressing out about her contracting Valley Fever, jumping the fence and running into the street, etc. I'm worried about my landlord trying to charge us for bogus charges when we move out. I'm worried about the world ending, I'm worried about my grandparents/parents driving and killing somebody because they're pretty terrible drivers but won't accept it. I'm worried about my future health being depleted because of stress and that stresses me out even more.


I just started taking Buspar, but it hasn't really helped me. I used to smoke weed and it would just make me really anxious and paranoid. I've tried to meditate but my mind always fades to a distant region of some hypothetical situation that involves something disastrous.


I just want to chill out and enjoy life.

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i can tell you are really fighting yourself. what helped me? hmmmm god. not everyone beileve in him and thats cool im not going to force anyone to. i look at it as its something i can't control. ill let god handle it. accepting the things that do happen. want to focus on the now? focus on one thing at a time. it could be if you just came to some realization about things.

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