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relationship advice, how to find that one gorgeous girl

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disregarding all the other post ive left on here which can be pretty disturbing to most... but the deal is, the girlfriend i have now is majorly hooked on drugs and has one major attitude basically 24/7, it was love at first but i went through a 8 year relationship, 3 months later im with this girl making plans for the future. thats kinda screwy isnt it? well i wanna start over, ive had time to get over the relationship i had for 8 years, ive come to a close with it and it feels really good to know i have options... the thing is how do i start a online relationship with someone who is just a KNOCKOUT.. i never really been with a highly attractive woman and i dont know where to start. cause i wanna just knock her off her feet before i even meet the girl.... how do i start it off, where do i begin?

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Maybe the reason your relationships didn't work in the past was because they were so superficial. "How do I get a knock out girlfriend???" Maybe you can "knock girls off their feet" by not treating them like pieces of meat. Come on, I'm only 15 and I can recognize that as immature...

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Maybe the reason your relationships didn't work in the past was because they were so superficial. "How do I get a knock out girlfriend???" Maybe you can "knock girls off their feet" by not treating them like pieces of meat. Come on, I'm only 15 and I can recognize that as immature...

He's got a very good point dude, being superficial and shallow is a surefire way to remain single.

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How? Well first you need to meet her and have somethign she will be attracted to. Then you need to make her feel special, not just a piece of meat. Indeed, acting like her beauty does not affect you maybe helpful, but that her personality does. That would be a start. But why is she giving you the time of day in the first place?

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lol i went for years thinkin that i was like the ugliest guy around. Comes to find out it was just becuase i was so dam shy that no girl even talked to me or anything. Dude now i realize that im not ugly, and in fact a lot of girls find me very attractive (my ex tells me that she never got a guy that was as hot as me).


Its a weird and great feeling to know that for years i had low self-esteem because i thought a girl wouldnt touch me with a 10ft pole, but the whole time i could have been getting girls. Im still pretty self-conscious, i go to the gym and im trying to get a better figure (6 pack, bigger pecks/arms). I am very close to getting to where i want.


Most of what getting a hot girl requires is attitude, and personality. Looks bring the initial attraction, but you will get nowhere without a nice personality (nothing special, just dont act hard, and think your the best, girls hate that)

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