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Me and my ex were together 2 yrs. Lived together almost all of that. We were even engaged for 11 months. He was my first love. I moved 5 hours away to be with him in another state. I thought he loved me as much as i loved him. My family all wanted me to be here in my home state and he wouldnt compromise. So he moved back home. We broke up needless to say, neither one of us wanted to.. I love him with all my heart and still care for him deeply. He has moved on with his life and is seeing another girl. He still calls all the time wanting us to be friends and saying how much he cares etc , ive even not answered his calls sometimes to try to get over him but find myself missing him when i dont hear his voice. Recently I ran into him on vaction and he tried to talk to me but i didnt do it partly because i was afraid of those old feelings coming back.. I cant get over him. Ive found no one that feels that void or takes my mind off him... Will I ever get over him? How do i do it? Should i still talk to him?

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