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What is up with this? Need some advice from girl members

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Here is my situation. I have been talking to this girl. We had previously worked together last year. We hang out every so often. I really can not figure her out though. Last year I had told her I wanted to be more then friends but she had just broken up with her boyfriend and said she was not ready. Which I was fine with about a year ago. Well I figured we would not talk anymore after that I would move on. But we still hang out and still am not sure what is going on with either of us. i had asked her what the deal is with both of us a couple of months ago and she just avoids the question. But she will still call me and hang out. My question to any of the women out there is what should I do? Should I just come out again and find out what the deal is between both of us or just ignore her? She does show the signs that she is intrested though. Always cracking jokes, flirting, wanting to know what is going on with my life. But she still plays this always busy person. I am busy as well but I really can not figure her out. Any advice would help.

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Allrigh,well...Girls are probably the most complicating things to try and figure out...trust me, Im a girl..I cant figure my self out sometimes, but what I think you should do...is that..if shes avoiding the questions,its probably because she was either hurt in another relashionship..and is afraid, or shes insecure about something, or she may just not be interested in you that way (if Im wrong, sorry)...I dont know the situation fully like you, but I do know girls like I know a book ive read 7 times. But Its hard being lead on...(flirting, hinting etc) because it seriosly confuses you but Just be straight forward about it...ask her, something like "look...Ive been interested in you for the past year(how ever long its been) and I really like you, (add in some sweet stuff...girls like that) and..I just want to know, can we ever be something more than just friends? I want to share things with you that friends cant do" something like that...how ever you want to phrase it..but get it out of the way hon, no point going on like this Cuz maybe shes waiting for you to ask her. and make sure she cant "avoid" the question...sit her down..seriously ask her this. And if she goes off subject, dont let her get too far...you tell her "answer my question please" ask her what SHE wants to happen..and go from there.

Kris (wuddle)

hope it helped a little :S

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