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Incontent no matter what?

im rly mad

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Something I really struggle with is appreciation and gratitude... I can be thankful if I go from a catastrophic situation to a better one but if I'm in a static environment then I'll become used to it and feel like its just there. I am aware of how lucky I am, but it doesn't really make me feel better about anything.


I don't know what I want and I feel like that generally consumes most of my fear and stress which may be contributing to my lack of ability to exert any actual appreciation for anything within myself. I just can't really see myself pursuing something and loving what I'm doing; I'll constantly just be wondering, "well, what if I had done x and y, then maybe I'd be in a better place." At the same time, I realize it is probably not true and regardless it doesn't matter, because I'm doing what I'm actually doing and I'm not living a fantasy life inside my head. I've talked to a couple of psychologists and posted here a fair amount, but I usually always end up at the same place.


I feel like its kind of sad (in a pathetic way), but every time I REALLY try to conjure what I want in my mind and plot it out on paper, it seems to always tie back to just getting laid. The bad thing about that, is I know if I do get laid I know I'm just going to be saying, "That's it?"... or if I get a girlfriend that I'm sexually active with then I will eventually get tired of it. Sometimes I've thought that is what I needed - so I can really figure out my priorities since my #1 in life up to this point has been accomplished.


I feel like a lousy disgusting American stereotype *which in fact tend to be true in my experience. I want to take a step in the RIGHT direction for myself... but there isn't a "right" direction. There are an abundance of directions and I have no idea which one to take so that I can at least feel a general sense of happiness.


I don't really know what I'm looking for from this post... I just want to find a way out of constantly feeling so bleh about everything.

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Annamary- The thing is, I have a TON of personal time, and I'm not even really hard-working. And the things I liked as a kid- videogames- became an addiction and probably deteriorated my mind quite a bit. Paintball is something I really like to do but its so expensive that I can only go like once a month IF that.


savignon- I have a great family who loves me and cares for me, I have a dog that I love a lot, I'm in college (but I don't know if that's exactly "good" for me) on a scholarship, and I'm pretty well off... I don't really have excess money, but I have enough for rent and to take care of minor problems if they come up.

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So you need a challenge....hmmm....would you think working for a good cause is something for you? let's say animal rescue? I'm trying to figure out where your heart/motivation lies...

How about buying an old car/motorcycle and work on it.....create something in your way..

Sky dive? jet ski? lol@ me i can go on with this...

How about "extra" work in a bar meeting new people? Then go paintballing.....ha sounds like a plan

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