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In the relationship forums like 90 percent of the posts r by girls asking questions about their relationships well thats a not brainer.But what i see is i guess it is a lot easier to get a boyfriend as a girl then it is for a guy to get a girlfriend.We have to instigate it and that sux it just falls into girls laps when guys basically come up to start it.Ive only seena couple of times where it fell into a guys lap.My friend john is extremely shy well before and then a girl starts working at his business she asks if he wants to go out on sunday.They hit it off although he prolly didnt talk all that much but she still liked him and now they r going out i guess why so lucky?So lol i guess i noticed that a lot of girls have relationships constantly but o well i cant help to want one but who cares ill just hope something comes up someday.

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I was thinking around these lines yesterday when i was looking at where i was 6 months after my breakup.


It seemed to me that i was still here lonely and depressed while she could still have the pick of the bunch and was surrounded by people (LADS).


I dont think alot of people realise this to be honest, and it probably explains why my ex is able to carry on like nothing has ever happened as she cannot see it from the other side of the fence, she must think theres lots of great people out there whenever she wants.


Oh well, and to think we put up with their moaning so much (watch me get flamed now )

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but seriously u guys, i think that girls hav it worse than us in sum respects.


I mean think about it

-They hav to carry around a baby for 9months (if they get pregnant)

-They hav to go thru labor n givin birth

-They hav periods once a month n period pains


I agree that the males are always the instigators but we could have it a lot worse!

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down n down thats really sweet what you put about having it a lot worse, but i can see a mans perspective, for me i dont think periods are an issue, birth is something that is chosen or happens with one you should love in my eyes so thereforeeee i wouldnt see it as a loss for me to have to experiance it, and well i do understand there are other reasons for birth but i guess im just saying im alright with it.


as for the original statement i know that with the person im with now, that the relationship was brought together equally, we both approached each other in different ways and i dont think its always the man although its true that it tends to be the man. but as a woman i know from past that i tend to be the person who approaches the other, mainly because im more confident and an up to date girl who sees that a woman can go after the man.


other women seem to feel its a mans duty, but then again if youd left it a few minutes and the eye contact was there how do you know that girl wouldnt have gone for you anyway?



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I agree with what you say down_n_down. Girls seems to have the high end on most relationship. They are a lot better than us at it too and they seem to make a point at always having a boyfriend. They are trained for it too since they are really young, I know I have an 8 year old daughter that talk to me about the best way to get a boyfriend.


I guess its because they judge themselves all the time based on different criteria on of the most important being how good looking and smart (and rich) is the guy they are with. Competition between womens can be so tough.


Shy guys can only wait for a girl to start a relationship with them since most girls don't even see them. I guess thats why married mens are so well seen by womens, they become desirable because they are marriage material so they must have something good to offer for most womens. Maybe mens are able to start the contact but its the woman that decide if she want to pursue it or not. How many times a guy have to hit on girls before scoring (figure of speaking). How many time do we get rejected? I think womens don't get rejected by mens that much, maybe by the most desirable of them that are chased around by all the womens but thats a small pourcentage of us.

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i think a person is who they want to be and if a woman or a man despite if shy or not has the chose of wheather or not to persue a relationship or person. i mean a new person you come in contact with despite how shy or how loud, or which character you entail will not know that till you approach them, you can be entirely yourself, and i can assure you that someone once seen as shy by others do come out of there shell to someone new.


For instance, my relationship, im seen as someone to persue and i do, if i like someone or something in life then i go for it, your right that for me i havent been knocked down too often but i can assure you its in my nature before hand to look at all the options and results of persueing a man.


Still, as i was saying, me being seen as someone to approach, and my boyfriend who im with now, usually seen as a quieter one within the social group was the first to make any contact that was to change from friendship to relationship. even though together we formed a good bong and showed interest it was him to make the first move, and from that everyone comments on how much louder and part of the group he is, you are who you wish to be and who you wish to become.


Sometimes in my eyes, excuses are made to repel the facts,


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Girls sort of have it easier....Its so much easier for a girl to put a guy in a wanting mood.....Its not our fault we love what women have...I gaurenteer you that if a women flashed you, you would come over...If a guy went up to a girl and you flashed her she would probably just laugh with her friend.

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