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is this status fb post offensive?


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A friend of mine who has seeked God and is always talking about love is no longer speaking to me. She never told me exactly why she started to avoid me, but I assume it's because I'm not on the same page she is with her religion, although I have always respected her views and have never spoken negatively about them.


One day, she posted on a mutual friend's response, "I simply walk away from friends who annoy me -thank goodness we have a true friend in God!"


Then about 7 hours later, I posted a message on my facebook (quoted from the bible), "Love covers all sins",and "love endures" - why is it that people who preach love would shun someone?? It is because they don't have love. Because if they really had love, their love would "endure all things" -even friends who get on nerves. Love does not seek its own interests. Repeat after God, Love never fails! And He was right!."



After I posted that, she unfriended me.



Was that post really that bad??

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I don't think so....in my experience, the people who "dish it out" are also the ones who throw the biggest tantrums when someone dares to "give it back". I know many people who have no problems making snarky comments to others, but god forbid someone dare to say ANYTHING back to them! When you "beat them at their own game" is when they get the most upset, like you did....people who claim to be "devout Christians" in particular seem to get REALLY upset when you use the bible to point out their hypocritical behavior...it's almost like they think they're the only ones who are allowed to quote the bible and when someone who isn't "on the same page as they are" does it, you'd think they burned it on an altar or something! I've quoted the bible to people before and actually had them say to me "How do YOU know what the bible says? You're Catholic!" You'd think I was a Satanist the way they said it~LOL!

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My advice would be to leave facebook as a fun internet website and to not get involved in social drama there. And, the comment wasn't directed at you as well. If she annoys you and her way of thinking is offensive to you, then maybe you should consider no longer trying to be friends with her.

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to me, it sounds like you only made that comment to rile her up, and although you may have posted it in jest (?) it was a little bit like a personal attack and I'm sure you can understand why it upset her. Then again, as another poster said - some people can dish it out, but can't handle it when they get it back.


So why did you do it? If it was innocent, and not aimed specifically at her, leave it, and she'll come around again. And if it was, maybe consider an apology?

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Yeah - I think it was bad.


She made a comment to a friend. The comment may or may not have been about you. You "answered" that comment - not in the same thread where she could have defended herself or explained what she meant... but on your FB status, a more public forum. It's like a public slamming of her comments!


I'd unfriend you too. If you had something to say to her, you should have messaged her privately to ask if her comment was directed at you, if she is annoyed at you and ask what's going on. Instead, you got all passive-aggressive, dramatic and took your "beef" public. Not cool.

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