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Been a while since I posted on here. So long i forgot my old profile....


Anyway. Dumped by ex GF about 10 months ago. We were together for over a year. I was destroyed when she left. She seemed to have all the "symptoms" of gigs, and worse. She would lie about herself, tell people she had/ did things....to make herself seem more interesting I suppose. I was basically forgotten. We spoke a few times, argued. Usual crap everyone goes through. She went cold, and became seemingly indifferent. I spent the first few months reading "get'er back" books. But they only prolong the hope, the pain.


In june she met a new guy, and I guess they kicked it off pretty quick. Thats when i tossed in the towel and figured it was a lost cause. Took a peek about a month or so later, and they had already exchanged their "I love you"s. So I did my best to forget about her. I came a long way. I no longer feel like I need her anymore, but since im posting here...obviously I still think about her. Which is where the thread title comes in...


About two weeks ago, an old friend from high school messages me. Hadn't seen her in a long time. Shes going to a hair design center which, coincidentally enough, so does my ex......which is right down the road from where I work. She also goes on to tell me that my ex brings me up sometimes...and over the next week or so, more and more stuff. My friend would be talking about a date or something she went on with her boyfriend, and then my ex would come in and say "oh yeah, me and (...me) used to go on dates all the time". That really surprised me for a couple reasons: 1. I thought she had left me in the dust ages ago. 2. Why would she not use the new guy as an example. I talked to my friend for a few more days, and still I come up. To the point where she says: "yeah....she kind of talks about you a lot". She'd talk about my mom too (30 year hair stylist, her inspiration for joining the center...). I brought up the new guy and shes like: "you know what? I know NOTHING about him.....seriously, all I know is that hes away to school...thats it...shes never spoken of him...". So now im all messed up.


about a week after my friend speaks to me again, we bump into each other at a gas station. Shes really excited and all. Well she tells my ex. My ex says "Well tell him to stop by the salon some time. i wanna say hi". Yeah..... So I checked the new dudes facebook (blocked the ex. highly recommend...), to see if I can dig up any logic to all this. I found that a profile picture they had together, was gone. Not even in his previous profile pics. So I guess he deleted it... and the last message from her was over 2 months ago....saying "i love you" none the less.....and about a month ago, he states in some post that he's still with her. So apparently she was talking about me, even when they were still clearly together. So I dunno.....really surprised and confused. A couple days ago, my ex complimented my friend on a necklace her bf gave her, then said " (me) gave me a locket once. I really liked it....".


So as you can imagine, shes....been on my mind . Wondering what peoples thought are on the matter. Let me know what you think.

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Well to tell you the truth, my friend wants to give me a buzz cut in front of my ex lol (my friend finds my ex kind of annoying haha). So I was sort of thinking about going anyway. But when she said "tell him to come over" it surprised me. Do I feel comfortable with it? I guess...but its a little early to tell. Don't know what shes getting at with all the "me" talk. Either way, im gonna just sit on the side lines for now, to see what happens. I've gotten a membership at a gym due to a sports injury, so along with healing I plan to bulk up. So when I do decide to take a drop in, I'll look a little different hopefully

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She probably wants you back and realizes that you were better than she thought when she dumped you since she just had another relationship.


She's too scared that you are hurt still or don't want to be with her, so she doesn't ask you directly to risk rejection, and leaves it out there as a "come by and say hi" thing through her friend to test the waters.

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Hm, actually, I rather agree with Philos. She sounds like she's interested...and not -everyone- who is interested in someone, or in reconciliation, comes RIGHT out and says so. The fear of rejection is a very powerful inhibitor.


That being said, I think your plan is a good one...keep doing what you're doing, stay on the sidelines, but if you have a genuine reason to go to the salon, go for it, and be friendly with her. None of us would ever accomplish ANYTHING in life if we didn't take some risks. I hope it works out.

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