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Being a chubby chaser, bad thing?


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So ever since my first love who had some comfortable cushion I've been achubby chaser. Sometimes though I wonder if this is a bad thing though. My sister never agreed with us being together which could have worked towards us breaking up. And then the next few girls I saw on and off were also reminiscent of my ex. There was one who was not and I was perfectly fine with even though my preference is cushiony women. As for myself I'm an athletic guy but not a twig. So you would normally see like with like right? But my ex was just so wonderful and in the aftermath I guess I looked for others who resembled her. So does that mean I'm a chubby chaser and if so is it immature to pick out women just because of this factor?

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I hate the term "chubby chaser". If your preference is a woman with meat on her bones you should not have to apologize for it!


Sorry about that if you are a woman with extra meat on her bones. If you are then all the more power. But that is the general term people rely on to describe themselves. More cushion for the pushin' is another but its not so respectful.


do you like them because they're chubby or because they resemble your ex?


I am not sure before her I did not exactly have a preference in women. Then afterwards I just had that craving I guess for women who had, as millaj put it, extra meat on their bones

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go with your heart - if your heart is telling you that is what you are attracted to why would you care what anyone thinks? I'm attracted to funny guys with personalities and I happen to be very pretty. I never dated the jock perfect guys, they were not my thing. Everyone always thought "you could do better' when me and an ex would break up. I never thought of it that way, I fall in love with the person. I mean at first you have to have some attraction, but for me its more mental and a mental connection is worth way more than what someone looks like in the end. When you are old and saggy with wrinkles it wont matter what they look like anymore, but if you always have that love inside, you might last a lifetime.

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I wonder if maybe, because you want someone like your ex, to you she was great, and you want that again so you are going for what that resembles her. You didnt give much info about whether you were attracted to her look wise or personality wise, but I think you maybe loved her personality, and this part it not coming out in further girls. Falling for someone just because of their looks whatever they are like it never going to be satifying, you need that deeper connection

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Only thing that's wrong with it is that if you tell a chubby girl you like her because she's chubby, she'll get offended, in fact i've heard of guys getting dumped for it when their gf found out down the line that that was the type of girl they were attracted to and that's why they were attracted to her. There's nothing wrong with it the same way there's nothing wrong with masturbation, do it, but don't talk about it.

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I think that if you like women with more "cushion" then I do not see a problem with that but if you are going after women who have that cushion because they remind you of your ex then that is a problem.


How is that a problem? She was my first love so this would affect the people I am attracted to its not like I can change that


I also hate the term "chubby chaser" you can't help who you are attracted to. Be yourself and go after girls you like not who your sister thinks you should be with. Opposites attract.


If it is not too much to ask are you one of those women who are more curvaceous? Is that a better way to put it? Not sure how opposites attract we were like two peas in a pod, yin and yang, peanut butter and jelly even though she hates peanut butter.


I wonder if maybe, because you want someone like your ex, to you she was great, and you want that again so you are going for what that resembles her. You didnt give much info about whether you were attracted to her look wise or personality wise, but I think you maybe loved her personality, and this part it not coming out in further girls. Falling for someone just because of their looks whatever they are like it never going to be satifying, you need that deeper connection


I love my ex personality wise and the way she looked. Granted she had more curves about her but nothing that would smother. Gorgeous face and the cutest dimple on a left cheek I've ever seen


Only thing that's wrong with it is that if you tell a chubby girl you like her because she's chubby, she'll get offended, in fact i've heard of guys getting dumped for it when their gf found out down the line that that was the type of girl they were attracted to and that's why they were attracted to her. There's nothing wrong with it the same way there's nothing wrong with masturbation, do it, but don't talk about it.


When we first started talking I remember looking at some pictures and noticing she was a lil more roundish. At first this put me off a lil bit and thought to myself what am I getting myself into she's... not skinny. But the more we talked and found out we had so much in common the less it mattered. Then one ay without even asking me she sent a suggestive picture and boy is she gifted. So everything fell into place there. I truly loved her for what made her her but also the outside. Not much I can say I didn't like about her

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Well if it matters I am a little more curvaceous. And yes it is a better word. My ex bf was a fit guy who loved weight lifting and just like you was saying about your ex, me and him were very different. We was always disagreeing about something, but I think that kept me interested because we wasnt the same.

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Well if it matters I am a little more curvaceous. And yes it is a better word. My ex bf was a fit guy who loved weight lifting and just like you was saying about your ex, me and him were very different. We was always disagreeing about something, but I think that kept me interested because we wasnt the same.


I honestly do not think there is anything wrong with women who are curvaceous. Personally I find them to represent a more modern day look of what artists and sculptures drew and created back in the day such as the Renaissance. Where women of beauty were considered to be more curvaceous and warm glow because of it. One example would be Botticelli's the Birth of Venus. A Roman goddess known for love beauty and fertility. Now it is not to say I love women who look just like that but the overall idea of women who do not follow in that generic barbie look that most beauty magazines put on a pedestal only to perpetuate their market of so called "beauty" products. Because the biggest exploit that companies make off of the American public are out of people's ego and personal insecurities which men and women struggle with today. The bigger problem is that people accept it and take it for granted judging people based on their clothes and physical appearance. When it comes to women I do want the whole package in terms of personality and looks. Not that I am looking for the model type or something you'd find in the movies but an interesting, outgoing and attractive woman. My preference I was somewhat ashamed of because if the women I was attracted to initially because of that found out why it would blow my chances and make me seem like an a-hole and make them more insecure. But the thing is I'm not like most guys and I do appreciate woman who are more curvaceous. So when I see that I know that I can check off one thing off of my list of criteria so the rest is getting to know the person.


Thanks JennJenn thats the answer I was looking for. The same to the rest of you

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How is that a problem? She was my first love so this would affect the people I am attracted to its not like I can change that


Just because your first love was one way physically, doesnt mean that will affect your attraction to women in the future. If you are being attracted to the same type physically simply just for the fact that your first love looked a certain way physically then you are just simply trying to replicate your first love in women that you date after her.

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Gah...I hate that term.


I have been called a "chubby chaser". I like larger men. Honestly, all larger men look fine to me body wise.


I just warn you, don't get too big because it's not healthy and then you'll be worrying about her health. My boyfriend is almost 400 pounds and now he's sick and in a lot of pain. He's starting to lose though and I'm helping him. It's so hard to see him in pain. I wouldn't not date him because of the weight though, but for his sake, I wish he weighed less. His quality of life would be much better.

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One problem there is that I sometimes feels held back from pursuing relationships with other women who don't meet my own personal criteria. Should I be more open minded and give women who are like minded as myself a chance?


I think it's important to keep an open mind when dating. Dating is meant for you to find out what you like and don't like, so it's good to go on a couple dates with someone who may not exactly be "your type" and they might surprise you. If you are going out with women who are bigger because you like how they physically look or something else about them, that is fine. But if you are going out with them because they remind you of your ex, then that can be a problem. Though you do want to be with someone past just their appearance to make a relationship work. Everyone has a "type" that they go for. I like guys who are of average weight. Not stick thin where they can obsess about their weight and looking "good", but also not real heavy where they don't take care of their body/health. That's my preference and everyone has their own. It's all personal and when dating you can find out what you like and don't like, so that your next relationship can be even better as you learn more about your own self and what you like and don't like.

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